East Kirkby air show, Aug 6th 2016.

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Thanks Wojtek and Paul, and I know what you mean Paul. I feel that way about the P-51 and P-47, particularly the latter, as there aren't any airworthy examples over here at the moment.
I watched the P-47 'razorback' being restored over the years at Duxford, but missed it's brief flying programme before it was exported to the 'States, the nearest I got to seeing it complete being the shipping container it was in, ready for export !
I haven't seen a 'live' P-47 since the early 1980's !!

And now, what do you call a Bucker Bestmann when it's not a Bucker Bestmann ?
A Heliopolis Gomhouria MkVI, of course !
The Gomhouria was a Bestmann, built under Czech licence, by the Heliopolis aircraft factory in Egypt in the 1950's. The example shown here was built by Kader Industries in Egypt in 1966, and is powered by a 105hp Walter-Minor engine, rather than the Hirth powerplants used by Bucker-built machines. This aircraft served in a training role with the Egyptian Air Force up until 1989, before being retired and sold on the private market, residing in Germany until 2011, when it was bought by William Greenwood, and is currently based on his farm in the south of England.
The aircraft wears the colours and markings of a WW2 Luftwaffe Bu181 Bestmann of Flugzeugfuhrerschule AB/32, based at Oldenburg-Pardubitz.
A neat machine, and a practical 'warbird', it provided a very smooth display of basic aerobatics.

Back soon with the final selections, featuring the Catalina.

Thanks OW !

The final selections now, with the PBY Catalina, operated by Plane Sailing out of Duxford. This aircraft is cleared for water landings, and does so on a regular basis in the south of France, and although I've seen it many times over the years, parked up at Duxford, I hadn't had the opportunity to see it flying since the early 1990's, at my local airshow.
I was almost 'caught out' when it took off, as I expected a longer take-off run with an aircraft almost as large as a Lancaster (it's wing span is two feet longer, and the fuselage only six feet shorter), but this amphibian virtually leaped into the air after what seemed like a very short run down the grass runway.
The pics are posted in two lots, in this, and the next post.

And here's the final selection from the East Kirkby airshow, with more of Plane Sailing's PBY Catalina, painted to represent an aircraft of the ASR Flight of the USAAF, based at Halesworth, Suffolk, UK, in 1944.

I was very impressed with this airshow, in the way it was organised and presented, the content, access and the commentary which, for a relatively small show almost in the back end of beyond, was extremely professional and smoothly run. I'd hoped to get back there this coming weekend, for their 'Props and Pistons' show - a small 'warbirds' airshow with a very large collection of vintage, veteran and specialist vehicles, together with military vehicles and re-enactors etc, but as I'm planning on a further two trips in September, and as it's a public holiday this coming weekend, with the associated heavy traffic on the roads, I've decided to give it a miss this time, but I think I'll be going to their airshow again next year.

I hope you've enjoyed looking at the photos of the highlights of the show, as much as I enjoyed taking them, and thanks again to all for the kind comments and 'Likes'.
Next airshow for me will be the 'Meet the Fighters' show at Duxford, on September 10th and 11th, and I hope to get more pics then.

Thanks Paul. There's another in the UK, I think based at North Weald, and flying in RAF Coastal Command colours, but I haven't yet seen it on the show circuit.
I was talking to a good friend the other night, and he'd love to have the means to own and operate a vintage airliner (he mentioned a Dragon Rapide, because it's a biplane) providing luxury flights, in the style of the 1930s, for wealthy and 'refined'clients.
I mentioned flying boats, and the Catalina, and his eyes really lit up - I've yet to tell him that there's a Martin Mars for sale; he'll be wanting to re-create the Atlantic 'Clipper' service !!!
If I had the financial means to do so, I'd seriously investigate the possibilities of such a venture, perhaps in cooperation with the Orient Express, but no doubt the CAA (Cancel All Aviation) would throw a spanner in the works with restrictions making it tediously difficult to operate a viable business.
Thanks again chaps. Next show for me is 'Meet the Fighters', at Duxford, 10th to 11th September, which looks like a good line-up, so hopefully, some good photo opportunities.
Thanks Karl. It's one to look out for next year I think - a good, easy going show, with the crowd limited to 4,000, so no crush and push, and a good campsite less than half a mile from the airfield entrance.
I didn't spend much time looking around the stalls and ground displays, but from what I did see, it looked like a good layout, and not as cramped as DX.
Here's a couple of the cockpit sections on display, which I forgot to include in the main pics sections.
Probably only a couple of hours drive from your place I would think - supposed to be three hours for me, bu it took over five hours !!


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