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Went to the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola this weekend. Kind of tricky to get there but it's a real neat place. These are of a (pretty rare I think) Hawk-81 P-40, originally a Tomahawk IIb used by the British in the Western Desert, then shipped to the Russians in whose hands it got shot down in Murmansk, where IIRC it landed in a lake. Anyway it was recovered and restored and they repainted it in AVG colors as you can see. I'll post some other photos from the museum in another thread, but these are just the P-40.

But do you know why a Flying Tiger P-40 with Chinese marking is in a US Naval Museum? It is because @ 60 percent of the AVG pilots came from the USN and USMC. The balance being from the USAAC.
The first photo looks to have "Nair" low on the L side of the air intake, but due to the latticed canopy which predates the P-40Ns used to make TP-40s, it was an early, possibly the first . . . two seat trainer. I still think it is a factory model rather than a field modification. The garrison covers (hats) the pilots are wearing suggest a leasure trip, or perhaps a non-scheduled demonstration flight. All are guesses though. I believe the first 'N' models had latticed canopies, or could be a P-40M conversion? No tail number to verify.

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