eBay: Dornier Do335

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Honourably banned
Mar 26, 2007

Rare picture of AM225 (possibly WNr 24016). Captured by the USAAF at Rheims, it was handed over to the RAF, being test-flown and subsequently flown to Merville, France, on its delivery flight to the RAE on December 13, 1945. Due to hydraulic trouble, which prevented the nose wheel to be lowered, the aircraft was damaged in the subsequent forced-landing and apparently never repaired
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A little more on AM225.
It was initially collected from the Americans at Oberpfaffenhofen and flown first to Neubiberg and then on to Reims, arriving on 7th September 1945. The pilot who ferried it, Flt.Lt. Taylor declared it unserviceable on landing at Reims. It was repaired at Reims and test flown there on 9th and 12th December.

On 13th December it was transferred to Merville, flown by Hptm.Miersch, selected by (unsurprisingly) Eric Brown, who had 'sprung' Miersch from a PoW camp in Norway. Miersch and Brown flew together on many ferrying trips. Brown would later write of this flight:

"While landing at Merville he found that he had hydraulic trouble and could not lower the nose wheel. He cooly feathered the front propeller, and by pressing the starter button, eventually got the airscrew moved around so that there was the maximum ground clearance between the two lower prop tips, and carried out a remarkable landing with little or no damage."

Despite the slight damage the aircraft was not repaired and was scrapped at Merville.


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was am225 a single place or 2 seat version? there are pics of a 2 seater at neubiberg...and video of it ( or another one ) being flown in a mock dogfight.
Must have been at Silver Hills, Maryland

Don't care much for the main undercarriage...

That pic of the aircraft awaiting delivery on the pontoon is fascinating the number of types there; apart from the Do 335 I see an Fw 190D, Ta 152H, Me 262 single and two seaters, Arado 234, He 219, Ju 88 and 188 and Messerschmitt Bf 108...

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