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Why is it Charkow, Ukraine ... because of the current war there or the corn field or the location of the factory the vehicle was made?

That's not the Belgain tank T-13 but the soviet tractor-tank ХТЗ-16 (KhTZ-16) manufactured by the Kharkov Tractor Factory ( HTZ (KhTZ )) and based on the chassis of the STZ-3/STZ-5 ( also called STZ Nati ) tractor. The better name of the type should be the KhTZ-16 improvized Light Self Propelled Gun.

the pic source: KhTZ-16 improvized Light Self Propelled Gun (1941)
Most interesting a letter describing an night air attack which must have been on the night of 29-30 May 1943 Saturday / Sunday that caused a fire storm. He describes getting in the air raid shelter and the panic that hits the people in it when the fire storm starts. He escapes with a lot of in the direction of the Wupper river. He stayed in Barmen at the night of the attack. First hand account of the terror that hit german cities and the aftermath and chaos.

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