eBay: heavy Iron (Tanks Guns Ships Trains) (8 Viewers)

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Char 1 bis road street le Cateau-Cambrai 1940


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Char 1 bis road le Cateau-Cambrai 1940

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IMHO this is the Char 1 Bis named "BOURGUEIL" no.355 of the 28th BCC, the 1st compagnie. According to the site ( the link below ) she was damaged accidentally by the French 25mm gun of a reconaissance light vehicle/tank ( auto-mitrailleuse de reconaissance - AMR ) at the road between Bois de Nouvion and Avesnes, May 16, 1940.

bourgueil 01.jpg

bourgueil 19.jpg

bourgueil 02.jpg

bourgueil 020.jpg

the source: 355 BOURGUEIL
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Holland Walcheren 1944 Bunker with canon


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Radar scope american US Navy pilot's photo inside airplane cockpit controls , plane type?


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Gebirgsjäger Sanitäter mit DRK Gefechts-Kasten auf Tragtier Esel 1941 Donkey ambulance


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Actually it is a horse but the name " donkey ambulance " fits as well. :lol:

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I have looked carefully at the control panel picture, 7th down in the series on post #5055. Notice that the other picture that is 8th down is a different or earlier panel with less items.
Note that generally, the instruments are grouped in left and right engine sets. Starting at the top left and working across to the right in rows:
Top left, large electrical instrument with 10 connections and rotary switch with 0 to 10 settings, I think is a temperature sensor gauge to monitor many points in the whole rig.
Over to upper right minor panel above the main panel, two (left and right engine) Manifold pressure gauges. These are additions and I think they are to monitor the supercharger outlet pressure before the boost control. This is an addition to usual flight instruments but is used in testing.
Next, upper row of main panel. Left and Right engine coolant temp, each with switch to select between inlet and outlet temp sensing.
Next, altimeter, for barometric data.
Next,left engine rpm and manifold pressure gauges, then right engine rpm and manifold pressure. Note that the left engine manifold pressure gauge is the different style face with the power setting indication.
Next, left and right engine fuel and oil pressure gauges.
Back to the LHS, down a row, left and right engine oil temperature gauges, with switches to select between inlet and outlet temp sensing.
moving right a bit, unknown small switch.
Next, cooling gill rotary selector switch.
Next, apparently paired selector switch with 0-350 degrees C temp gauge, which might relate to sensors in the exhaust / shrouds.
Next, standard type cockpit stopwatch/clock.
Moving a bit right, a third oil/fuel pressure gauge that might be related to the combined reduction gear and propshaft lubrication.
Next, a fuel flowmeter, with a selector switch for left or right flowmeter reading.
Moving back to the LHS, down next row, the propeller pitch position "clock" gauge.
Next, the electrical system voltmeter.
Moving down to the row of 13 switches and selectors. Some of these switches will switch power to the selectors but, it is not possible to id all the specific switches.
So, first a switch.
Next, the LH engine magneto control.
Next a switch.
Next, the LH engine starter control.
Next, 2 switches.
Next, the propeller pitch adjustment control.
Next 2 switches.
Next, 2 controls for the oil and coolant radiator shutters on the rig. These are actually the same type of prop pitch control switch, but being used for controlling the shutters.
Next the RH engine magneto control.
Last, the RH engine starter control.
At the bottom of the panel are six circuit breakers and a small switch with two electric wires going to a box, which I think may be some sort of electric timer/recorder on the desktop, possibly for engine running log.
On the desk there are also some levers. The LH pair will be the Throttles and the RH pair are probably the fuel cocks.

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