eBay: heavy Iron (Tanks Guns Ships Trains) (3 Viewers)

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Vorpostenboot " Seebär " in Norwegen Flak Vierling ship camo

53rd Outpost Flotilla Formed on 12/23/40 with Norway. whaling boats. Used in the KSV Norway association. West coast, then 5th KSV. Disbanded June 1945.

  1. Vorposten-Flottillen Norwegen 1941-44
  2. Foto Matrosen vor Flak Vierling Geschütz auf Vorpostenboot "Seebär" in Norwegen | eBay
  3. Foto Matrosen auf Vorpostenboote " Seebär " mit Tarnschema im Hafen in Norwegen | eBay
  4. 2 Fotos Vorpostenboot "Seebär" in Bergen Norwegen Kommandant Kriegsmarine 53. VF | eBay
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Yes .. there the "z" but not the "g" letter in the name. It is because it is the calligraphy writing from the Greek and Gothic. Long time ago we also used the way of writing of the "z" letter here in Poland. Even today, the eldest guys here use the kind of the handwriting. Russian still using that kind of sign with the Cyrillic for instance.

I think you are right. Now with what you wrote as a city name i can see it.

Also I found someting interesting ... here below is a picture of the Jebsheim in 1944/45. Please notice the building on the left of the soldier and the pole. Looking similar to the one see in the thread image with the Shermans in there. IMHO the same type of the building used for the same puropse. A store/ bust stop? Because of the pole that looks like a telegraph one, a telegraph/telephone station could be as well.
Additionally it looks like that the two posters seen on the Muntzenheim one are also on the Jebsheim building. Just such a fun fact.

the source: Jebsheim – A Town turned into a Slaughterhouse

This tank is the The "Kaysersberg": a Panther Ausf G captured during the liberation of Kaysersberg, in Alsace, on the 18th of December 1944. It was used by the 1er RCA, part of the 5ème DB until it broke down on the 4th of April 1945. It's most famous action was the liberation of Colmar were it fought alongside Sherman tanks.
Name is on the main gunbarrel

French Panther captured beute
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For the reliabilty question of the Panther, 18th of December 1944 to 4th of April 1945 is 108 days. Parts would have been a big problem One can see the terrain it had to work in.
For the reliabilty question of the Panther, 18th of December 1944 to 4th of April 1945 is 108 days. Parts would have been a big problem One can see the terrain it had to work in.
For Eastern Europe at the time of war, it's almost a highway!!! I just would like to say that the Panthers were used in much worse conditions.
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