eBay: heavy Iron (Tanks Guns Ships Trains) (2 Viewers)

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Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" und SAT 2 "West" Schiff Estland Finnland

The Ost

The Ost

  1. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 2 "West" Schiff 24.LF in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  2. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff 24.LF in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  3. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" und SAT 2 "West" Schiff Estland Finnland | eBay
  4. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff 24.LF in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  5. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" und SAT 2 "West" Schiff Estland Finnland | eBay
  6. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  7. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" und SAT 2 "West" Schiff Estland Finnland | eBay
  8. Orig. Foto Schiff m. Tarn bei Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  9. Orig. Foto Schiff m. Tarn bei Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  10. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff Geschütz in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  11. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff Geschütz in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  12. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff Geschütz in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  13. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff Geschütz in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  14. Orig. Foto Schiff "AE" bei Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
  15. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Entfernungsmesser Optik Estland Finnland | eBay
  16. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff Geschütz Tarn in Estland Finnland | eBay
  17. Orig. Foto Artillerieträger SAT 1 "Ost" Schiff mit Tarn in Estland Finnland 1943 | eBay
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Not Solbreux but the Beaumont. The Char B1-bis No. 309 named Rhone, blown up by its own crew on the street of the city. During the retreat from Belgium to France on May 16, 1940, a tank, driving along one of the streets of Beaumont, stopped due to lack of fuel. A vehicle from the 1st platoon of the 1st company of the 37th tank battalion of the 1st tank division.

the pic source: the net.
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Yep ... however some sources say it was of the Compagnie Gaudet 3/37

the pic source: the net and Char B1 - Tank Encyclopedia
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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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