eBay: heavy Iron (Tanks Guns Ships Trains) (2 Viewers)

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It is what I think is written in letter:

during a break [Kampf pausen] at the frontline [fronten] , Company Commander [Der Kompanie fuhrer] teaches his troops how to use a Panzerschreck!

I hope I get a B at least!
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more about U-172 and Her Commander:


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2nd Air Division: A combined force of 209 B-24s from: 44BG; 93BG; 389BG; 392BG;445BG; 446BG;448G; 453BG; and 458BG are despatched to bomb Berlin/Erkner. 150 are effective on Berlin/Erkner; and 33 divert to bomb Berlin City as a Target of Opportunity (TO). 9 aircraft Failed to Return (FTR) - 40KIA 49POW(1DIC) 2RTD (rescued by ASR). 4 aircraft with battle damage are Damaged Beyond Repair (DRB) in crash landings upon return - 10RTD. 77 aircraft are damaged (apportioned). 1 airman is KIA another 7 are WIA in returning aircraft. There are no other losses or casulaties.

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