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I don't think she's new anymore, if the date of September 1944 is correct, also she's showing signs of wear and tear, all the bare metal spots showing through and look at the spinner and right behind it on the nose, looks like fluid is dirtying up the front end along with the exhaust burn on the fuselage. My guess is she set down at the closest base because of mechanical issues.
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It is a P-51B-1, which means it was one of the initial Mustangs to reach the ETO. My guess is the photo is pre-June 6 as there are no D-Day stripes. The statement of crashing was just letting us know the aircraft's eventual fate.
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An interesting study here, the Mustang looks demilitarized and pretty clean. I don't see any squadron markings by the Star/Bar and it almost looks like the same field in post #573. I have to admit, that is a beautiful little bird he's leaning against, could it be a "personal transport" or a War Weary Allison used as a squadron hack? But no squadron/group codes is puzzling.
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