One Mustang document that might be of interest here relates to the original P-51B and P-51C designations. The addition of the Merlin engine led to some aerodynamic concerns and minor repositioning of the wing. The P-51B was originally to be produced with the Merlin, but without the repositioned wing; the new wing was planned for the P-51C. Obviously, both models went into production with the repositioned wing, but I've never seen the original designations explained in any of the many Mustang books.
Then there's my all-time favorite Wright Field inter-office memo on the P-51, dated 28 August 1942. It doesn't relate directly to designations, but I'll drop it in here in its entirety:
Left by Alec Burton together with the dope on the Griffin 61, this date. "Dutch" Kindleberger says the Merlin 28 is out for installation in the P-51, but they are going full blast on the Merlin 61. About all the re-design necessary is to move the wing forward 3 inches and down 1 inch; also, the nose will be dropped a little to give better visibility than in the P-51.
If the aerodynamics isn't ruined, looks like they might have a pretty good airplane.
That 'package'was dropped to Colonels Chidlaw and Philips - Materiel Command on August 26, 1942 - approximately three months before first flight of XP-51B. It had the projected Performance @ GW 8350#, 2x20mm guns, no armor plate or radio with top speed of 445MPH @ 28K, service Ceiling 42K, ROC 3460fpm at 13K - all figure the P-51B-1 exceeded in AAF Flight tests May 1943 with production airplane at 8500#.
That one should be in the dictionary next to "understatement..
Quote from above -"Then there's my all-time favorite Wright Field inter-office memo on the P-51, dated 28 August 1942. It doesn't relate directly to designations, but I'll drop it in here in its entirety:
Left by Alec Burton together with the dope on the Griffin 61, this date. "Dutch" Kindleberger says the Merlin 28 is out for installation in the P-51, but they are going full blast on the Merlin 61. About all the re-design necessary is to move the wing forward 3 inches and down 1 inch; also, the nose will be dropped a little to give better visibility than in the P-51.
If the aerodynamics isn't ruined, looks like they might have a pretty good airplane."
That 'package' was dropped to Colonels Chidlaw and Philips - Materiel Command on August 26, 1942 - approximately three months before first flight of XP-51B. It had the projected Performance @ GW 8350#, 2x20mm guns, no armor plate or radio with top speed of 445MPH @ 28K, service Ceiling 42K, ROC 3460fpm at 13K - all figure the P-51B-1 exceeded in AAF Flight tests May 1943 with production airplane at 8500#.
Subject B/C - literally timing as XP-78 was renamed XP-51B - and subsequently when the Merlin Mustang contracts far exceeded Inglewood production capacity at a time when B-25s were still built at Inglewood.
The confusion (very brief) arose when the NA-102 P-51B-1 contract was executed in August 1942 before the XP-51B # 1 was complete and followed on 10-8 with AAF deciding to truncate the P-51A part of the AC-30479 to procure the NA-104 890 P-51B-5 (later extended to include more orders for the P-51B-10 and B-15 with the odd 90 from the P-51A contract added to the P-51B-15). The NA-104 contract was a revision of NA-99 AC-30479, executed on 10-20-42. While that contract change deviation was explored, the next order AC-3340 for NA-103 was executed for Dallas effectivity was executed 12 days earlier than N-104.
It was at that time that AAF and NAA would separate the nomenclature for the same airplane just as Republic did with the P-47G. With this delineation, the hinged canopy Merlin Mustang Made in Inglewood retained the P-51B designation as NA 102 and the NA-103 Mustang made in Dallas was now P-51C. When the six gun variant was proposed at the end of 1942 the contract negotiations for NA-106 (Inglewood) and NA-107 (Dallas) was executed in February 1943 for the P-51D and P-51E respectively. NAA at this time also negotiated the addition of a bubble canopy to replace the hinged canopy and the Top Drawing and Master lines were completed for the six gun wing and bubble canopy. The original 106-9000002 P-51D/E Top Assembly Breakdown drawing was completed 3-15-43 and about that same time the AAF issued Material Change Order C-258 to design and install new Cockpit Enclosure, Sliding on two P-51D to be crafted from NA-102 spares and a complete existing P-51B-1 airframe.
Contract negotiations were initiated to Produce NA-109 P-51D-5-NA in large scale production, cut NA-106 to two (P-51D-NA and D-1-NT), redistribute remaining (large) funding from the NA-106 to NA-103 and NA-104 and cancel NA-107/P-51E... and finally kill the name P-51E and rename all future P-51D Inglewood and Dallas ships of same designs and effectivities within blocks with "NA" and"NT".
And that, children is all there is for today.
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