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augher P-51B-15-NA 42-106767 QP-E (334th FS, 4th FG, 8th AF) hit by AAA while attacking a flak tower at St Dizier airvield, France and crashed 1 km NE of Putterville, 35 km WS of St Dizier, France May 9, 1944. MACR 4685. Pilot bailed out and became POW.

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P-51B-5 43-6359 HQ, 354th FG, 9th AF) collided in midair with Me 410A near Koblenz, NW of Frankfurt, Germany Feb 11, 1944. MACR 2166. Pilot bailed out and became POW.
Col Kenneth R Martin, Commanding Officer of the 354th

not a 410 but 109G

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Second Mustang pilot to score 5 in air flying P-51. Jim Howard, when combing AVG score became first Ace for 354FG and first five with only P-51B on Jan 30, 1944
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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
I'm not sure but the serial seems to be incorrect. Actaully there was a couple of them called with the name or Short-Fuse or Short-Fuse Sallee. The closest one with the nose art and name was the 44-15622 according to the net sources.

Lt Col. R. Turner 356th FS, 354th FG and P-51D AJ+T s/n 44-63673

the source: the net.

PS. the pic caption edited because of the incorrect serial number.
My pleasure.

Also I found the info in a book about the 354th FG ...
View attachment 710159
Thanks again. Still some mysteries with that earlier photo. It must be one of Turner's 354th mustangs. 44-63673 does seem to be the serial in the data block. What first caught my eye, however, was the fuel grade specified, which sure looks like 100/150. But that doesn't make much sense for a 9th AF P-51. Bit of a head scratcher.
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I have noticed that same. So it means that there is a mistake in the sources. I have enlarged the pic from my post #1469. And it can be noticed that the serial there ends with 73 but not with 22. So that's the P-51D 44-63673 but not the 44-15622

Any ideas what group or squadron this is from?
Mike - this is his last AJ-T. The 354th and all other Mustangs in ETOFG's were using 100/150. Ths shot post Feruary 1945.
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