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Thank you. I sprayed the tops of the airfoil surfaces Semi-Gloss Sea Blue using Tamiya, XF-17 Sea Blue -6 parts, XF-8 Flat Blue -6 parts, XF-53 Neutral Grey – 1 part. I got the formula from here.... PaintDB Waiting for this to dry and then I'll clear coat. I did this colour first as I though it would be easier to mask a flat surface rather than a curved surface. I tried to break up the single colour by adding light grey to the mix after I had finished; kinda sorta worked but I ran outta paint

Brush coated on some Vallejo Satin Varnish, 10 drops, thinly spread with a #6 brush. Did it do its job, Imma say yes. I am going to do a second coat. If you look closely at the inside panel on the left stabilizer you can see where a test drove a second coat and this seemed to increase the satin finish

Nice work Geo - really tidy!! Can't believe the results you got from brushing the satin varnish. Every time I try that I end up with crappy looking brush strokes visible. Clearly, I'm doing it wrong...

Keep up the great work!

Thanks Grant. Don't know if I just get lucky or maybe its the angle of the picture. The right wing did show some brush strokes, that was another for the second coat, and I painted at right angles to the first coat

Looking quite nice there Geo. Paint mix noted.

Thanks Andy. The paint on the model is darker in real life. Flash and lighter coats washed some out. It is quite close the the digital chip in the Monogram book

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