Eduard 1/48 Royal Class Fw 190A-8/R2.....?

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If I were you I would assemble both variants.Of course if there would be possibility of making other nice replics but of much different types I would follow that as well. It would depend on markings and camo schemes only.
Looking at the instruktions for this kit and the kit itself, makes me wonder, can you build both a "normal" A-8 AND an A-8/R2?

The answer is yes.

But most importantly, did you get your bit of real Fw 190 with the kit?

There's a lovely model of an Eduard Fw 190 "Blue 13" in a magazine that Wojtek sent me, a super detailed wonder. If I had a scanner I'd show you it but it might put you off.

Sounds to me like u can build both then, if the parts allow it.... Nice kit, how much did that run u???

Can't remember Brother. I bought it when it just came out, when it was cheaper....

If I were you I would assemble both variants.Of course if there would be possibility of making other nice replics but of much different types I would follow that as well. It would depend on markings and camo schemes only.

I'm looking to do a "normal" or standard A-8 and an A-8/R2, both "13's" of course! Just looking through my "13" list in my thread to figure out which one to do....

I sure did get a piece of R-E-A-L Fw 190! 8)
Fu*k Dahl and his crates Jan, the guy claimed others victories, even when sittin on the ground....

I dont have as much respect for him as I do for MANY other brave kids that wore 13's on their hides..... Be creative....

Possibly so, but we are talking model builds here... um, there must be someone with a scanner who can show this jaw-dropper of a model?
Fu*k Dahl and his crates Jan, the guy claimed others victories, even when sittin on the ground....

I dont have as much respect for him as I do for MANY other brave kids that wore 13's on their hides..... Be creative....

Have a few that I'd like to do. Looking at those on the MIA/KIA list put together here with "13's". Just a question to find profiles to work from "13's" or not, just to get an idea of the camouflage and the style on the "13". I'm sure that it's plenty other floating around that would be interesting....8)

Possibly so, but we are talking model builds here... um, there must be someone with a scanner who can show this jaw-dropper of a model?
Trying to put me off already old chap?
Well son, we do have these A-8's and A-8/R2's......

02/01/45: Uffz. Josef Hener, 7. (St.)/JG 4 FW 190 A-8/R2, Wk. Nr. 682667, "yellow 13", combat, near Hagenau - Weissenburg, MIA.
25/08/44: Lt. Hans Schwarz, 6./JG 6 Fw 190 A-8, Wk. Nr. 171522, "Black 13", combat with P-38 near La Fère, MIA.
28/09/44: Uffz. Alfons Distelmeier, 3./JG 11 Fw 190 A-8, Wk. Nr.173038, "Yellow 13", near Arnhem - Nijmegen, MIA.
27. 09. 44 Lt Horst Preschel, 7.Sturm/JG4, Fw 190A-8/R2, Wk. Nr. 681290, "Yellow 13", shot down wounded.
19.12.44 Gefr. Karl Hagemann, 6.Sturm/JG 4, Fw 190A-8/R8, Wk. Nr. 682319, "Black 13", shot down in air combat over Wispertal wounded.

....and these.,

Uffz Noack Brunno, 15/JG-54 (9/44), Fw 190A-8 Wk. Nr. 732094 "Yellow 13" (lost KIA).,

KIA 29 September, 1944, while in 15 Staffel, in aerial combat with a Spitfire 3 km south of Xanten. Shot down with wounds while in 12 Staffel, on 6 August, 1944 over Map Quadrant 12179. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 on 18 February, 1944. A 2nd, a LaGG-3 on 8 March, 1944. Nos. 3 4, an Il-2 and a Yak-9 on 16 May, 1944. Nos. 5 6, a Pe-2 and an La-5 on 30 May, 1944. A 7th, an La-5 on 5 June, 1944. Nos. 8 9, a Yak-9 and an Il-2 on 8 July, 1944. A 10th, a Yak-9 on 14 July, 1944. An 11th, a Yak-9 on 15 July, 1944. Nos. 12 13, both Yak-9's on 21 July, 1944. Nos. 14 15, both Yak-9's on 5 August, 1944. Nos. 16 thru 19, Four P-39's on 6 August, 1944. Alternate spelling: Nowak.

Uffz Rudolf Pätzold, 3/JGr-10, Fw 190A-8 Wk. Nr. 732177 "Black 13" (lost KIC)., KIC 15 February, 1945 in "Black 13", crashing by Perlberg due to engine failure.

LT Rudolf "Rudi" Rademacher, 1/Erg/JG-1 (8/44) aka JGr-Nord, Fw 190A-8 Werk# 350193 "White 13"(lost).,

10 Bombers. 8 at Sagan Germany. Over 500 missions. 90 victories in the East, 25-30 with JG-7. One of the early eastern victories, three Soviet P-40's of 158 IAP in the Lake Ladoga area on 25 February, 1942. An I-153 on 30 July, 1942. A Yak-4 on 8 September, 1942. An Il-2 on 6 November, 1942. Three LaGG-5's and an Il-2 on 15 January, 1943. Two Il-2's on 7 March, 1943. Three LaGG-3's, two La-5's, a P-39, and an Il-2 on 5 July, 1943. On 18 September, 1944, in "White 13", during an attack on a four-engine bomber, he was shot down and seriously wounded. Two B-24's and a B-17 near Halle on 3 February, 1945. A frequent wingman for Walter Nowotny. He achieved 16 victories in the Me 262, including B-24 # 44-50838 piloted by Robt. Mains of the448BG on 4 April, 1945. Only one of the crew survived the deadly R4M missile of the Me 262. His final score is a matter of conjecture, ranging from 97 to 126. He was killed 13 June, 1953 in the crash of a glider at Lüneburg.

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