Eduard kits

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One of the last kits I touched was Eduard.
I did a 1/48th Typhoon and Tempest combo for one of my nephews
The Typhoon was Hasegawa and the Tempest was Eduard. The Typhoon worked beautifully, parts fit and detailing was what you'd expect from Hasegawa. The Eduard kit was much more vague and the decals were horrible, extremely fragile, the Cross of Lorraine (it was Clostermann's kite) broke up before I knew what was what.
No comparison between the kits whatsoever.

I heard a rumour (unconfirmed) that Eduard had simply picked up the molds for their Tempest from the now-defunct AMT.

Eduard could well have moved on since then, it was a fair few years ago now but they didn't leave me with a particularly good impression.
Hmm. Many of Eduard's 1/48th kits are re-moulds of other manufacturers, such as AMT/Ertl, Esci, Airfix etc., with their own PE and other parts added. Their recent Spitfire Mk22 is a good example, retailing for around, IIRC, £35 to £40. To be honest, I don't think the extra parts are worth the overall asking price, as the kit itself is very nice in it's own right, and many of the additional parts,apart from being small and fiddly, can't be fully seen anyway, and especially as Airfix have just re-released the kit at around £18. The same will probably be said about their Lightning, ex-Airfix, now being released as a F1 etc instead of F6, or vice versa(!?), which will be expensive due to extra parts.
I recently bought a ATY/Ertl Tempest V, which is basic and needs some work, especially wheels,which are available as resin accessories, but it's not too bad and cost £12. I nearly bought the Eduard kit, which was twice the price, with some PE I wouldn't use. I suspected it was the same kit, so didn't buy it ; now I know it was, I'm glad I didn't
Having said that, their own, or assuming their own. 1/32nd kits are nice, if a bit pricey, and their newer kits, such as the Bf110 seem good, but again perhaps a little overpriced?
I bought the new Eduard FW190A8/R2-an extremely impressive kit.It came with a full PE detail kit,masks for the canopy, excellent colour instructions, a very detailed information booklet on the Sturmbock and a great variety of decals for some nice colour schemes...That said, I was quite disappointed with the plastic parts. There was a lot of extra "flash" left on the parts,and some, such as the seat, were very inaccurate ( I used a spare Tamiya seat instead).The fit of some parts was quite bad too. I had to force the top and bottom wing halves together even after much sanding and dry-fitting.

In my opinion they do a great job of all the peripheral stuff,but i still prefer the quality you get from Tamiya!
Sounds about right VH. I've had their FW190A8/R2 on my wants list for some time. I'm not too concerned with using the PE parts, but the separate canopy for the ooen position, and the ability to display the gun hatches open appeals to me, purely for setting in a planned diorama. Normally, I'd use a Hasegawa or Tamiya kit for this, but as I've seen the Eduard item at a greatly reduced price, I'll go for that I think!
Many of Eduard's 1/48th kits are re-moulds of other manufacturers, such as AMT/Ertl, Esci, Airfix etc
So it IS the old AMT offering then?
I remember hounding the Beatties staff in the outlet opposite the Central Station for it for ages but it had been discontinued. I'd say it was definitely a model of its time, perhaps the comparison with the Hasegawa Typhoon was a little unfair.
I'm curious whats the 1/48 hasegawa Typhoon go for in the UK? over here I found one for $70 NZD ( 30 quid)

I opted for the 32 scale Revell offering for 60 bucks NZD
I bought their Eduard's 1/48 RAF Pilots kit a while back and I thought it was great. Pretty good quality (may be a tad bigger than the Tamiya/ICM figures).

I considered buying a Dual Combo pack of 1/48 F6Fs from them, but after reading the above reviews, I'm glad I didn't.

So if I get you well folks, Eduard's models are just as crappy as the ones from ICM ?
I wouldn't say so. Overall, their kits are good, especially their 'own', if a little on the pricey side due to the PE. For the price, going off 'todays' prices for new kits, their new range of 1/32nd scale Bf109E's is very good indeed.
ICM kits are far from crap, they are very good too, especially for the price. I only have their Spit so far, and it's a beauty of a kit, probably the most accurate Spitfire in any scale - unless the new Tamiya 1/32nd MkIX beats it, which it possibly will.
OK, there might be the odd bit of 'flash', nothing to worry about, and the actual construction might be a bit more tricky than some kits, but the detail and general 'look' is superb.
Daniel, the 1/48th Typhoons in the UK are between £18 and £22, depending where bought. There's a place which still has some 1/32nd Revell Typhoons, at around £25 I think.
Thanks for the info Terry , over here you just can't find them for a reasonable price .25 quid though for a 32 scale Typhoon sounds quite reasonable

also gotta agree about ICM kits too , gotta get more
I'm sorry guys, but I still have to hold my point on ICM. I had three Spitfires and one P-51B from them ( all in 1/48 ). A few things make me think they are crap...

1 - Cheap decals forces you to buy better decals from an other company (i.e. AeroMaster, Eagle Strike) as ICM decals will most likely tear appart.

2 - A lot of sanding/test-fitting is required as most parts don't fit together properly.

3 - From my three ICM Spitfires, only one is still "air-worthy" as I broke either one or both of the front landing gear.

4 - At about $40.00 CND, ICM kits are as expensive as Tamiya kits. If you add the third-party decals, you hit the $50.00 mark.

So personally, ICM is now part of my "brands to avoid" list. The only exception I am making, is concerning their figure sets which are great. (I have built a few of them.)
Haven't built an ICM kit, don't in fact have any! have heard good and bad points about them, at this point in time I can't see myself getting any....

Eduards 'own' kits are rather good and rather pricey....but really for the more experienced modeller, again there are good and bad points that I have a few kits haven't tackled one yet....soon though!
I agree there are good and bad points about the ICM kits. The flash, and/or sanding etc I don't see as a problem personally, although the decals, on inspection, don't look brilliant I'll admit. However, it's rare I use kit decals anyway, apart from perhaps the national markings, and I've also had experience of even some of the best decals breaking up, or not adhereing, even with Micro Sol/Set, including those from Eagle Cals, which are made by Micro Scale.
Personally, I think the ICM kits are well made, with very good detail, and on a par with Tamiya. In fact, the ICM P51B is probably Tamiya anyway, as the parts are identical!
BUT, in the UK, they are relatively inexpensive, at around £10, which is roughly two thirds the price of a similar Tamiya kit.
Certainly, for some models, I would probably look at other manufacturers, but for a 1/48th scale Spitfire MkKVIII, IX or high back XVI, I feel that the ICM kits are the most accurate and most detailed, probably in any scale. (Until the Tamiya MkIX in 1/32 is released).
Am just working on the MK-22/24 kit. My first after a very long layoff. Seams to be pretty nice so far. First time working with a detail cockpit, a lot more work to fit than I thought one might be. PE sheet included. Cost $95 AU over here, I staggered around the shop for a while after seeing that. I think the last kit I bought in the US might have been $20 US. It's an Airfix with Eduard extras. Hope this helps. cheers, Bill

Masetro, if you're paying that, go somewhere else and tell the owner of your store that you are unlesss he reduces the price. I picked up the ICM Spitfire IX with ground crew for $22US on line. Even with shipping and exchange rate (which is good right now) you'll still come out ahead.

I agree with Terry on this one. The Spitfire 1/48 IX kit is excellent value and beats all others in it's catgory for accuracy of scale, even Hasegawa. Yes, there's lots of flash and you have to take care on assembly but for the price, you can't beat it.

Ellis, I have the Eduard Bf-110 C and am overall very satisfied with the kit. Go here for details:

That's exactly what I'm doing... I'm a happy customer of for several years, now (since our Dollar got to parity with the USD).

I'm still going to that store to get my paint, though. Because it is the only hobby shop in Québec City (that I'm aware of) and that shipping costs would be exessive if I ordered that by mail.

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