Eduard Montex Canopy Paint Masks

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 7, 2012
Are these any good and can you re-use them. I have a hard time painting the canopy frames and if these things work,it would make life a lot easier.
The Eduard ones I've used are custom cut for their own kits and worked extremely well. You'd have to make sure you got the ones for your exact kit because there are subtle differences in the framing between manufacturers.

I've used some Montex ones only once. These were generic ones included in a Kagero book but they did not fit the model I was building. I can't say that this is indicative f their quality though. I like the material of the Montex ones more than the Eduard.

I've not used these more than once but suspect that, if you are careful in removing them and if no paint has gone underneath, you might get away with using them one or two more times. However, each time will lessen the chance of a good result as the bond will be reduced.
i find the eduard ones ok but not great

The material is too easy to deform when you try and wrestle it from the backing

I got better results from running a pencil around the frame of a masking tape covered panel then cutting it out. Plus the stretch with tamiya tape means you can make some last minute adjustments
I'll clarify that I never bought masks. The ones I used either came with kits or, as I said, in a Kagero book.

I'm with Wojtek that they are not worth the money, at least for me. Patient cutting and placement of Tamiya tape is just as good.
Best way - a long, long roll of tape, for less than the price of one set of masks. If you make a mistake, make another mask - unlike the mask sets!

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