Elvis's sunsets and other pics (1 Viewer)

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Here's some more from the past week or so. Sorry for the delay in getting them posted. Too much to think about lately....

From the 25th...

...a peeker from the 27th....

...and, I couldn't make up my mind which one I liked better, so two from tonight's sunset. First a closeup, then the panorama...

Your lucky to be seeing the sun, we have hardly seen it weeks now, maybe a wee glimpse as it rises but then cloudy, cold and usually damp. And this is AUSTRALIA, the land of sun, sand and surf. Have to agree with you though, lovely evening sky.
Your lucky to be seeing the sun, we have hardly seen it weeks now, maybe a wee glimpse as it rises but then cloudy, cold and usually damp. And this is AUSTRALIA, the land of sun, sand and surf. Have to agree with you though, lovely evening sky.
Well, if you notice, I don't post every single day. On those days I don't post...yep, cloudy, cold and pretty dreary.
We are known for our mostly rainy days.
Thanks Vic.
It really looked like a nothing evening. Like it was just gonna get darker with nothing to see until it was night.
Then I just happened to look out and the whole sky was lit up.
Took 2 movies and got about 8 pictures. I ended up keeping 3. This was the last one.
Glad you liked it. =)

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