I find it unusual that the airmen would be carrying a M1911A1, in that most survival vests featured a long barreled .38 caliber revolver. I'm not saying no, just unusual.Shall we address the Owen J. Baggett episode where he was hailed as the only person to shoot down a Japanese Zero with a .45 pistol? Supposedly the Jap pilot flew close to him, while he was descending in his parachute from his mortally damaged B24, and the Jap pilot slowed down, opened his canopy, and flew slowly near Baggett, wherein he took out his .45 and fired 4 shots. Several other airmen in parachutes claimed he hit the pilot because they saw the Zero plummet toward earth. However, Wiki states that Japanese records clearly show they had no casualties in this particular encounter. Personally I doubt it happened and I bring up the subject only because Lt. Baggett and I happen share the same last name, although we are unrelated, AFIK.