F16 Gets Blown On It's Side By Another Jet

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WTF?!? The dumbass taxied behind a B-1 that was cleared into position behind another one taking off. Ground personnel all around just watching the whole moronic evolution!!!! LOTS of blame there, an accident that should have never happened!!!!!
WTF?!? The dumbass taxied behind a B-1 that was cleared into position behind another one taking off. Ground personnel all around just watching the whole moronic evolution!!!! LOTS of blame there, an accident that should have never happened!!!!!

Ground looked like another day in the park And the second B1 I could imagine the pilot giving the F16 a salute with a smile.
bet you that plane was grounded for a decent amount of time while they inspected the gear (especially the one that took the whole weight of the ac ) and that wing. the wing tip touched the ground keeping the plane from flipping.....could have stressed a lot of things when that happened.
Glad you liked it, Karl!

I love it when the bodies start tumbling!

That must have been an ear-shattering, nose & eye burning lesson for those that aren't smart enough to avoid direct jet-wash...especially something as powerful as the B-1!

And seeing the B-1 in flight is a thrill and I've been fortunate to have seen both the B-1A and B-1B over the years

* I should mention that the B-1A I saw, was at Norton AFB and was just there briefly This was in the late 70's and they were still doing testing - and it was all shiny white!

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