F22 finally is deployed

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French? he may have said Eckkkk!!!!!!! accidently horking all over everything like an Middle Easterner with a speech impedemant.

Just to avoid the Politcal Correct backlash I am going to even it out by saying-I AM A KRACKER WHO DRIVES A PICKUP TRUCK AND LISTENS TO GARTH BROOKS!!
102first_hussars said:
French? he may have said Eckkkk!!!!!!! accidently horking all over everything like an Middle Easterner with a speech impedemant.
Eh? No way, tabarnac! You be tinkin' of 'is arch nemesis Capitaine Québec, you anglais pig dog you!
Dont worry I know how to deal with Captain Quebec

Hussars- Hey Captain America!!!

Cpt America- What!!!?

Hussars-Captain Quebec said youre fat and dont read good

Cpt America- What!!!? Ill kill that son of a bitch!!!

Capiitaan Qubequois- Nu Vait!!!! Vait!!!! et ess nut tru heir hiv sim wine!!!

Captain Canuck- (he cant talk right now, hes too busy pissin himself laughing)
As a backup, we could always send in this guy.
(He likes the F-22 better too. )

Actually the best superhero from Nova Scotia is the Green Bastard, but I couldn't find a picture of him.


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