Regarding the calculations made by Crumpp, well I've talked to him over PM and his calculations are based on actual flight data on the a/c, stall speed, thrust etc etc.. So they are in the right ballpark, and are good for comparing a/c.
I didn't disagree about 'ballpark' - I noted to you (and Gene - and he agrees) that each comparison must be made for the altitudes and power curves of the engines - which they do. A Mustang will kick into a high horsepower rating under automatic boost than an Fw 190... ditto an Fw 190D or whatever. So, if you wish to present each curve - note the altitude and rated Hp of the engine at that condition? Take the rated Hp of the Fw 190A-8 against the P-51B Mustang at say, 15, 20, 25 and 30,000 feet - then make your case.
Sea Level to 5,000 feet should be easy, above that it will get more complicated
By looking at the power available to the Dora-9 and the lower drag it's quite obvious it was a better turn fighter than the A-8, and the German comparative reports and the opinions of the vets who flew the a/c agree with this.
Then by definition of low drag as the criteria, it should be 'quite obvious' that the Mustang is a better turn fighter than either of the Fw's or 109's?
And part of this debate is that the comparisons that some made, as reflected in JG26 were in opposite opinion - so what are we to believe when one set of vets disagree, anecdotally, with the others?
And where are the Comparative reports you just mentioned? I can find them from the RAF and the USAAF but nowhere else?
Even CALCULATIONS, if founded on the drag results from Flight Tests are useful
As for Caldwell, I never said he was full of it, I infact said otherwise. What I did say is that he has little insight into technical aspect of these fighters, where'as Dietmarr has covered this area extensively.
Soren - this is cut and pasted from your comments
"In short, Caldwell is talking trash and knows nothing of what he's talking about as all the vets, experts physics tell a much different story from the one told by Caldwell in that article.
This is ofcourse not your fault Bill, I'm just letting you know that the article is pure BS."
How did I mis interpret what you wrote? It isn't obvious to me.
PS: I really don't appreciate your accusations of bias Bill, I haven't been biased or selective I have just looked at and compared the data I have and have been made available. So I hope for the sake of this debate that you don't continue with these blind accusations, either that or I will cease to participate.
I looked back to find an accusation of bias. I did say we talk past each other, I did say that on one hand you dismiss Flight Tests on comparisons made by RAF and USAAF as biased, but produce no 'unbiased' flight tests for a counterpoints.
I probably mentioned that for every anecdotal comment you could find I could find one rebutting, and vice versa.
I have probably asked you tens of times "where are the referenced tests by the Luftwaffe (that you reference all the time) that demonstrate superior turn performance of say an 109 versus the Dora, or Anton versus the Dora, or 109 versus the Mustang, etc.. You zip right past that discussion and introduce the next series of claims.
In all of these clashes regarding the 'obvious superiority of say, a Me 109G or K versus the Mustang, you have yet to produce one set of flight test comparisons to substantiate your claim, but frequently dismiss other actual tests as 'biased', unfair, or simply wrong. I for one would be happy to know there is another set of tests , say at Rechlin, in which this is documented?
When I bring up Rall's comments on his reflections about comparative turning ability, when he was running the LW program at Rechlin for awhile, you dismissed his comments on the basis of his fear of using slats, but still present no test data to refute his observations.
You have zero qualms about doubting the experience of one of Germany's top warriors when it contradicts your point of view.
You do this to me and everyone who would express real curiosity, and a real interest in facts.
Is this what you mean by bias?