Favorite WWII Tv and Movie scenes

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A Ryan PT-22 painted with North Korean markings was used for Charlie's plane. The plane used was owned by Don Burkett, who kept the plane in a hangar at Long Beach Airport. The production team painted over the plane's orange and white starburst pattern with special paint to resemble the North Korean markings. Burkett himself actually flew the plane from the front seat, as the pilot who was assigned to do the flying had never flown a plane of this type before. If you look closely, you can see something in the front cockpit which was Don hunched down when the cameras were rolling. Enough film was taken during the one day of flying they were able to piece together two episodes featuring the plane and its inept pilot. An article in the October 1972 edition of Private Pilot magazine featured Don's experience doing the show. The magazine's cover has a picture of what the plane looked like when it wasn't "in costume".
Great info and yep, in the screenshots in my earlier post, you can see him bent over in the cockpit!

"The Blue Max" with George Peppard and James Mason was one of the first films I ever saw that really tried to be accurate - at least with the equipment and not the timeline. They really tried to make those biplanes look like Fokker DVII and Pfalz and SE. 5s. (but sadly no SPADs or Sopwith Camels. ). The one inaccuracy is that Baron von Richthofen was dead by a few weeks by the time the Fokker DVII was made operational. But they really did a good job with almost everything else.

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