Favrortie and cutest female youtuber ?

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My only California experience was as a 19 year old in the USAF for four weeks in 1960. I remember it then as a great place and have seen the disintegration from a safe distance, in another place Der Adler detests. I did have concerns when my youngest daughter and her Coastie husband were transferred to the McMinnville, Eureka area USCG station, however they returned uninfected and enlightened.
To be fair, I don't think there is widespread consensus that the Antelope Valley is the crown jewel of Southern California...
I enjoyed the place up until the last 2 or 3 years I lived there. I was heavily involved in the local aviation community and had many good times with folks who flew out of Fox Field, Rosemond, Mojave and Tehachapi airports. The east side of Palmdale and Lancaster saw some real scumbuckets move into the area despite some beautiful homes being built there.

It was a great place to learn how to fly, you learn cross wind landings real quick, especially at Mojave Airport!
I've lived in Canada for 64 years and not once heard anyone say "aboot". This includes listening to Capers and Newfies......a lot

I did not mean to offend. I spent every summer of my youth in British Columbia, and until recently visited there on a yearly basis. Unfortunately my limited knowledge of the english language we share prevents me from adequately describing the subtle nuances of what I perceive as a "Canadian accent".

Highest Regards,


....OH, you're serious? That's alright, we'll take your money and wish you well, Mein freund.

To all those that dislike/hate/despise someplace they know/have been/heard about/seen on tv or the movies. Just remember, somebody out there doesn't like your little place of heaven either . Model On!

Yeah, I'm serious. You'll be ok. I promise.

And I'm ok if you don't like my place. Stay out of my place. Deal? Once the USAF decides to not put its planes in your place, I won't need to come to yours.

And yes, I'm only kidding with you.
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To all those that dislike/hate/despise someplace they know/have been/heard about/seen on tv or the movies. Just remember, somebody out there doesn't like your little place of heaven either.
Completely agree with you, I have had personal experience of hated and being hated.

But let me disagree with you, especially about "invaders" and "traitors", no one like them, no one wants them!!!

It's a pity that in "some places", the invaders are being worshipped! And traitors replaced with real heroes who fought them some 1400 years ago (more or less, depends where you live).

No, there wasn't, isn't and will not be friendship with them (traitors, invaders). Whoever they want to be today, still are invaders to my country and my people, after all these years.
One plus of owning a Peugeot is the amount of exercise the owner gets pushing it to the local Peugeot Owner's Club meetings.
Peugeot is French for Fix it again, Tony.
As for cute female youtubers, my vote would be either Allie Schnacky (or any of her sisters!) or Brooke C. Either one works for me!
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