**** FINISHED: 1/48 F2A Buffalo - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
User Name - Fubar57
Name - George
Category - Advanced
Kit - Tamiya
Extras - Decals from the spares box

My subject is actually an F2A - Dutch East Indies Model 339D captured by the Japanese in March '42 and tested at the Tachikawa Army Air Force base in Japan but I thought the title would be too long.

I would like to thanks those who offered reference material and assistance for this build and those who popped in and offered up support.

The model...

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Great looking bird Geo glad this one got done in such style man

Have a great time in camp
I took four years that I do more than 400 kilometers to see snow, which have seen a very lucky ...

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