**** FINISHED: 1/48 P-51H Mustang - Allied Manufactured Aircraft

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
User Name: T Bolt
Name: Glenn
Category: Advanced
Kit: HiPM P-51H Mustang
Scale: 1/48th
Accessories: Bit of scratched built details. Kit includes PE parts.

Finished at last. This HiPM kit was a bit of a challenge but it turned out alright in the end.

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Thank you very much guys. The NMF is a pain in the @ss to do but I do really like the way it comes out..... that is if I don't mess it up

I like the look of this plain NMF finish Mustang so much I've been thinking of taking one of my ICM Allison Mustangs and converting it to the XP-51. It's the same look, NMF with a black anti glare, only the addition of the red and white tail stripes. I can put the two together and have a "First Last" Mustang display.

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