**** FINISHED: 1/48 Spitfire MkVIII - Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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Cheers mate! Sounds like nitpicking I know, but it's the sort of thing I would want pointed out to me if overlooked!
Very nice looking bird, Andy. I'm particularly impressed with the painted decals. It's a route I may have to follow on my Spit but not one I have any experience of.


Andy, if you don't have the pastels, just dry-brush the tyres. Possibly easier and better than pastels anyway, due to the shape, and works just as well.
Hm. You could always roll it around in the dust outside. Only Kidding! I'm sure you'll sort something. Feel pretty sure I just dry-brushed mine, but can't remember - I must stop drinking the 'Alzheimer's Ale' !!
Geez Andy..... what a looker.
The finish I would die for. The exhaust staining is brilliant. The photo from below and behind the starboard wing I would swear I was lookin at a real plane.
I've just got to get a kit, throw it together, yeah right, then try all the stuff I see in here.

The photos are a bit bright, but you have done a masterful job I envy.

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