++ **** FINISHED: 1/48 WYVERN S.4 - Military Conflicts of the 1950's

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Username: Fubar57
First name: George
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Trumpeter


As always, I would like to thank those who offered advice, comments or just popped in for a look. The delay was of my own making and nothing to do with the kit. Would I do another....hell ya! I'm also working on a better way to photograph these, maybe the next build
Thanks Robert. I did a Hellcat prior to this one but the stupid thing is, I've had the airbrush for 15 or so years. Probably the fear of wasting paint through practice and then the 4hr. round trip to restock deterred me. Silly ain't it
Yes and no, I feel the pain about wasting paint. Even though my shops are much closer it still smarts. I practiced a lot with food coloring in water on standard printer paper. Helped me learn the control aspects, but nothing beats practicing with real paint etc, especially to get the mix and pressures down.

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