Finland Air Force

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Amazing post and photos!
Thanks for sharing!

I'm building a Me 109G-6 in Finnish markings and I would like to know if you have any photo for the night fighter sqdr (the one with a Bat and Moon emblem on the side of the fuselage.
The first picture HC-452 was taken during the Continuation War. Earlier serial numbers started with HU-.
Photo 5 is a Frenchaircraft, the serial starts MS-.
Also of great interest isthe photo of an early Hurricane which shows part of its delivery civil code OH-IPL, these codes OH-IPA to OH-IPL were used by the Finns for delivery of Blenheim's, Lysander's and Hurricanes.
Anyone have serial numbers of the to Hurricane a/c that never made it to Finland ?
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FYI - that post is over 6 years old, don't know if the op will reply.

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