The Focke Wulf Ta-152C was arguably the finest and most aesthetically incarnation of the renowned butcher bird. Only a handful of pre-production prototypes where ever manufactured and none of them survived the war.
For the past 7 years I have assembled a rather impressive amount of reference material covering the Fw 190 series, and I have finally decided to scratchbuild a 1/15 scale replica of the Ta-152C however I'm still missing schematics and plans of the forward nose section (engine power egg) and the wings structural outline. I would surely like to hear from anyone outhere that has detailed schematics of these aircraft and is willing to share them.
For the past 7 years I have assembled a rather impressive amount of reference material covering the Fw 190 series, and I have finally decided to scratchbuild a 1/15 scale replica of the Ta-152C however I'm still missing schematics and plans of the forward nose section (engine power egg) and the wings structural outline. I would surely like to hear from anyone outhere that has detailed schematics of these aircraft and is willing to share them.