For the OLD Furts....remember?

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Lol, remember a lot of those and my dad in Poland really walked to school barefooted so he could save his shoes for the winter time, all I had to deal was is no AC in my public schools. Whiney kids these days complain if it's a little to hot...
My Mom used to call bologna Canadian Bacon. When McDonalds came out with egg mcmuffin back in the 79's , I wondered who wanted a egg sandwich with bologna.
remember all of those. only where I was it was Peterson writing system.,,,round, round, ready write. remember greenie sticke'm caps, silly putty, and fizzies??
Bobby, had two toy Colt Peacemakers that had cylinders into which the toy bullets could be loaded. The bullets were two pieces, the bullet and the cartridge. A round cap was placed on the back of the bullet and the was inserted into the cartridge. The "loaded" bullets were then placed into the gun, The hammer hitting the cartrige would slam it into the cap which would then go BANG sending smoke up and out the barrel. About as real as you could get.
Silly Putty - used to "Lift" color pictures from comic books and the Sunday Funnies.
Fizzies - do you mean the tablet you put in water to convert it into a Sodie Pop or the CO2 loaded candy rocks.
Remember the chocolate straws that converted milk into chocolate milk as it passed through the straw?
you got them all...yep fizzies ( for those who don't know about them) were like alka-seltzers but not medicine...they were flavored and would turn an ordinary glass of water into a tasty treat...well in mike I had an M1 garand that shot bullets like your peace makers. never got the chocolate straws but do remember when Tang first hit the scene...drink like an astronaut...just watch a lot of parents tried to hide cod liver oil or some other medicine in it...
Heck I remember those toy 'Peacemaker' pistols !
I had one, and a pistol similar to a S&W .38, break barrel, that had the same 'ammunition'. Very realistic, and would be banned today !
Terry, I was in 7th grade and for some odd reason the school decided we need a "craft making" period. They decided that "Leather craft" was the way to go so we had our choice between several small leather items. I made a leather key case. We had the floral patterns to trace and the various leather "engraving tools". Anyhow, to make a short story long. I got a two-gun holster kit for Xmas. After two months to tooling and lacing I had a pretty decent looking leather holster. THATS where the toy Peacemakers enter the picture. Had thr holster/guns hanging on my bedroom wall for the next 15yrs
crap I remember taking toy guns to school so we could play cops and robbers or war during recess. that wouldn't fly today...kid would get suspended.
.....or shot. I remember carrying my .410 shotgun around the neighborhood(lived in the sticks) looking for band-tail pigeons. One guy asked me if I wanted to shoot a buck out of his yard as it was stealing his apples. All this with about 15 houses in the near vicinity.
We had about 5 acres and most of the neighbors about the same or more. Only utility was electric. Got my Red Ryder BB Gun at about 8yrs, a single shot .22 at 10yrs and a Marlin Lever-Action .22 at 12yrs. Used to sit on the front porch and shoot at rabbits across the field. Was an old junk-yard dump about 10mi or so away so that was a day's trek to sit in an old car "blind" and shoot rats. Further was the old Sanitary & Ship Canal. An over-night campout would bring us to the hills above the canal where we'd shoot at "Red-Horses" (over-grown gold fish (carp)) as they fed along the banks. No one worried about us and no one was concerned about a pack of armed kids roaming the neighborhood
crap I remember taking toy guns to school so we could play cops and robbers or war during recess. that wouldn't fly today...kid would get suspended.
When I was a kid, I took the family's old Colt .41 to school (unloaded, of course) for a show and tell revolving around our studies of the old west.

As it happens, I wasn't the only kid, there were a few other wheel-guns for show and tell that day - all of which were authentic family heirlooms.

Can you imagine the pandemonium that would have caused in today's school environment?
I remember many of the things posted. As for the push mower, I must have been "high classed". Mine had a grass catcher. As for the edger, it was "wheel of death" and I still have one of those today. For those who are unfamiliar with that, it is stick with a star wheel that you push along the curbing. That d*mn thing with work you to death.
we got to talking about candy from back then. many places had a mom and pop corner store. where I lived it was old couple who spoke enough English to get by but also had the patience of saints. as a kid if you saw a penny on the ground you swooped down on that like a hawk on a chipmunk before anyone else saw it. for a penny, if you were a wise candy buyer...which we all could get several items. if you found a nickel or dime you had just hit paydirt....if you found a quarter you were one lucky stiff. for a dime...10 could get a bag of candy. most candy bars back then cost 5 cents. a penny got you 3 or 4 pieces of shoe string licorice or one to 2 small jawbreakers, 2 or 3 small taffy suckers, 1 or 2 candy necklaces....a couple mimi jaw breakers with a flat string of black licorice..several Pixi get the idea. other little delights we had I were flavored wax lips.... mini wax pop ( soda ) bottles filled with flavored syrup...all manners of shapes and configurations of bubble gum. the one thing that seems to have disappeared is candy cigarettes...obviously in an attempt to keep children from picking up the habit when they get older. we had 2 different kinds. one came in a flip top box with actual ( or slightly mis-spelled ) brand names like Winston, Pall Mall, etc. a kid could go buy the same kind their old man smoked. these were a chalk like sugar straw...hollow with a red tip. the others were a bubble gum that was wrapped in a thin paper. coating the gum was a sugary powder so if you blew out it would appear like smoke. then of course not to disregard the stogy aficionados was gum cigars with a band around then which we would wear as rings. as I said Mr. and Mrs. Melinks would deal with a horde of kids asking prices for each item as they schemed like horse traders to get the most for their nickel or dime...all something young furts will never get to know...
Ah yes. Candy cigarettes. So many memories of goodies past. Our local store which was owned by a Japanese family had a bin filled with "chocolate drops" for 29 cents a pound. A bag of those had me on a sugar high for days. As for guns, today's kids would rather take then to school loaded with ill intentions. I have no problem with not letting children carry fire arms to school, but do find it a little over the top when pictures or NRA type shirts are grounds for "corrective" action.
Remember finding a Coke or Pepsi bottle? It was like winning the lottery!

A millionaire didn't have as much joy...we'd carefully take our treasure to the local drug store, turn it in for the dime deposit and then immediately browse the candy aisle for careful examination of what all could be gotten for that wonderful dime.

This is where we learned basic economics:
We could get a single candybar...but that was just one. Or we could get two Bazooka bubblegums or two Chick-O-Stix or two Abba-Zabbas and so on.
On the otherhand, if we moved down to the penny section, it was like a many to choose from!!

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