Forrestall Anniversary

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Had a guy in my motorcycle club who was on the Forrestal when it happened, always brought tears to his eyes when he talked about it.
The launch, fire, explosions and massive damage were the result of such a long chain of co-incidental occurrences as to be almost unbelievable
The Zuni rockets had a long list of electrical problems and accidental launches
A safety pin had been left out of this rocket allowing the surge to launch it
The safety pin was only to be removed when the aircraft was on the launch pad.
The unguided rocket managed to hit a 400 gallon under wing tank.
The rockets warhead did not explode but its flaming exhaust ignited the leaking jet fuel
The fire was fanned by a 32 knot wind AND the exhausts of at least three jets
Current issue 1000lb bombs had a thick case and a more stable H6 explosive composition. They could withstand a jet fuel five for 10 minutes and not explode
On July 29th the Forrestal and received 16 1000lb bombs. Several of these were Korean war issued bombs with thin skins and composition B explosive
The old Korean war bombs had been improperly stored outside subject to tropical heat and humidity on Guam
Composition B became more powerful as it aged. Heat and humidity accelerated this process
Subic Bay's commanding officer refused to sign the bombs transfer, because of their poor condition, unless they were to be dumped at sea
He was overuled by CICCPAC and ordered to make the transfer
Forrestal's ordinance handlers wanted to jettison this bombs. They felt that the very shock of launch might detonate them
Capt. Beling reluctantly accepted them since replacements were not available.
Fearing accidental detonation they were stored on deck rather than in the ship's magazine
Naval policy assigned fire fighting training only to specialized teams. Ordinary sailors received no training.
Fire Control team #8 responded immediately. Chief Ferrier grabbed a PKP extinguisher and attacked the fire as the rest of the team moved into position
The fire control teams had trained on the newer 1000lbs and were sure that they had 10-minutes before the bombs became critical
One minute and 35 seconds after the fire's start the first old 1000lb bomb detonated 35 men and two fire control teams died instantly.
Untrained sailors manned water hoses and attempted to battle the fire. The water carried the burning fuel along the deck spreading it even further.
The water borne fuel leaked through the deck carrying the fire into the hanger decks

A much bigger Cluster-Fork would be hard to design
Even if you weren't immolated, blasted to bits, or dismembered: The whole world would have seemed to have vibrated and shook, you also might have been sent flying a bit.

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