France-Simulation closes down

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1st Sergeant
Sadly another major source for IL-2 content has decided to close its website down.
The links for the forums and site are no longer active.

Gamekeeper at M4T has offered to preserve their content if the owners of the site can be contacted.
Gamekeeper @ M4T said:
This one caught me by surprise, always seemed a solid stable site, never a murmur of closure. If anyone has contact with authors or the owners of FSF please let them know we are here to help preserve their archives for the community.
Source: Mission4Today › ForumsPro › IL-2 Sturmovik › Mission Building › France Simulation site closed?

The site is up again and there seems to be some consideration to getting the old IL-2 content reuploaded.
Mission4Today › ForumsPro › R R Forums › Off Topic › The French Are Back.

Sadly, as with most things, there must come a day when the torch is passed.

Air Warrior went that way, Jane's WW2 Fighters is barely hanging on and CFS2 has pretty much passed into the blue with CFS3 close behind.

Serious gaming with computers seems to have been eclipsed by consoles and ready-made, out of the box setups.

To add to that, I haven't run IL-2 since 2012 and haven't worked on a skin since 2011...I can't even begin to tell you what was the last time I ran a mission in Jane's or CFS...and I have several CFS3 projects incomplete and probably never will be finished, that have been sitting untouched for almost 10 years now.

Funny how times flies by.
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