Freds Retirement

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Apr 9, 2005
Colorado, USA
A good friend of mine Fred Zolts, just retired as the manager of the March AFB Aero Club, he's been with them for 23 years. Fred is a blast, quick witted, always passing a comment to a good looking lady, and also a great pilot. He did stunt flying for several TV shows (TJ Hooker and Cloud Dancer) and organized a precision formation T-34 team known as Dragon Flight. Some of our Southern California guys (Eric, Syscom) probably have seen them at the local airshows. I was in California on Saturday, did some work on the L-29 but never got to fly the jet because of weather, but did attend his retirement parts which was held at the March AFB Museum, here are some Photos....

It was a "Who's Who" of aviation attending this retirement, lots of fun....

Fred is on the left


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I talked to Fred at one of the CMA airshows. Nice guy and Dragon Flight is always fun to watch. I will have to see if I have video of them. I am pretty sure I shot some video of them last year.

Sorry to hear the weather was crap again, Joe. You need to get out here with better weather!
Yea, it kind of sucked, but the party was good - Skyraider Bob daughter was there, The Wingwalker couple, come CAF people from SD, many showed, I think we'll see Fred around for a few more years....

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