Friggin ticks!!!!!!!!!!

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Senior Master Sergeant
Feb 9, 2006
Back in May and recently August we had gone to Nebraska for a couple of long weekends, on the May trip my dog Stella had about 8 ticks on her which we pulled of,the August trip we didn't notice any. Well a week and half ago she was just not herself,sluggish, appetite not normal. Monday we take her to the vet and she is a sick dog. Finally figured out she picked up Rocky Mounted Spotted fever. She's been on IV's 24hrs,spiked 106 deg fever. She is on 2 anti biotics and yesterday they added steriods to the mix. There's a 20% fatality risk and we are hoping we caught it early enough before it damages internal organs and blood cells. Moral of the story is"KILL ALL TICKS"....wishful thinking but what the vets are saying is keep the ticks in a plastic jar or container so that if your dog/pet gets sick they can identify what the potential disease is by what type of tick it is. They are finding more and more diseases these little sh#ts carry..
Yeah I can't stand them either Torch. Completely repulsive bug. When I go into deep outdoors I wish I could bring about 10 chickens with me to clear out where I will be. Mosquitoes, scorpions, ticks, grasshoppers, bees, you name it, it's all lunch to a chicken.
Hope Stella will be OK. We use Scalibur collars on our cats and our Ridgeback and they seem to be very effective against ticks. They are definitely available in the US - we import ours from there as they are a lot less expensive than in Europe.
i know what you mean torch....yeah bad, bad year for ticks. i pulled them off my dogs ( and they are indoor dogs ) by the droves early this year. took our border collie to the vet for a check up and he has lyme's disease.....caught it early so its antibiotics for him. i have never had a tick and pulled 2 off of me and found one crawling up my wifes arm....i bombed, sprayed, frontlined....and so far nothing. just glad we dont have chiggers up here ( watch that in nebraska if you walk in tall grass...)
Just read an article in Macleans, our Canadian version of Newsweek, saying that these critters are spreading as temperatures are going up and that the North American medical community is really not as well armed as it could be against the diseases these things can spread, especially Lyme disease which can be serious sh!t. If you're counting on seeing a "bullseye" mark to tell if you've been bitten, think again. In 20 to 30% of the cases, no such mark shows up. Misdiagnoses of the symptoms are common so beware.

If you are bitten, try to keep the thing in a jar as stated above and bring it to your medical provider.
did hear of an interesting way to get the off once they attach. if you yank them the head may come off and all or part may stay in the area and become infected. what i was recently told was take dawn dishwashing liquid and put a dab on the tick and then rub gently with your finger in a circle pushing it away from the bite. the soap must burn or sufficate them but they supposedly let go to get away. havnet tried it yet....really dont want to have to....
Vet told me the head stuck in skin does not cause the infection,when they start feeding they release a type of saliva which carries all their infections,etc back into your system. So if you catch it early enough you probably won't have an issue.Heard the same about olive oil,dish soap. Supposed to suffocate them. I've tried it and it took a long time for it to work, if it didn't hurt so bad I would use a blow torch on the basta4DS.
Not nice things and it was only last Friday when we had a friend up from the coast complaining about them. They were using special tweezers pushed under the tick to stop it anchoring and then popping it out. Yuk.

Sorry to hear about Stella though, hope she pulls through.
Vet told me the head stuck in skin does not cause the infection,when they start feeding they release a type of saliva which carries all their infections,etc back into your system. So if you catch it early enough you probably won't have an issue.Heard the same about olive oil,dish soap. Supposed to suffocate them. I've tried it and it took a long time for it to work, if it didn't hurt so bad I would use a blow torch on the basta4DS.

makes sense.
I got meningitis from a tick, it took me almost 9 months to recover.
Ive heard that one of few natural enemys to ticks are Daddy longleg spiders...
Im gona start a farm.

I got one of those special tweezers, to pick ticks from my dog, I also have Spot-on Treatments on him every 4 weeks.

My dog sends his regards to Stella.
Sorry to hear that, man...

I hate ticks, they are nasty, evil little bastards that can easily be compared to politicians. We used to have to pick them off our Shepherds all the time, especially when the deer were down by the house. Fortunately, none of the dogs ever contracted any diseases from them, but my Mom ended up getting Lyme's disease from one.

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