Sometimes a much derided 'soldier', Fairey Fulmar was there when needed, providing a good important service in the rough days of early ww2. It's good qualities (great combat range, useful punch ammo count, 2 pairs of eyes, good ditching qualities) were many times too much a burden for it's engine, trying to squeeze performance out of the sizable airframe.
So what kind of upgrades would made the Fulmar to hold the line even better until the replacement is around ( historically, some time late 1943/early 1944)? Upgrades should be non-earth-shaking, simple if you want, plausible feasible, so we could get the improved planes quick on the decks.
So what kind of upgrades would made the Fulmar to hold the line even better until the replacement is around ( historically, some time late 1943/early 1944)? Upgrades should be non-earth-shaking, simple if you want, plausible feasible, so we could get the improved planes quick on the decks.