Fw-190 Photos at White One Foundation, Kissimmee, FL

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Apr 13, 2006
Here are a few miscellaneous photos taken the same day as the FM-2 Photo's. Black 3 is, I believe, is a Fw-190A-3 under static restoration for a Norwegian museum, as part of an agreement in consideration for parts to restore the Fw-190F-8 White 1 to flight. Hope you like them.



  • Black 3 Engine Mounted.jpg
    195 KB · Views: 444
  • Black 3 Radio Fin Attachement Starboard.jpg
    116.1 KB · Views: 427
  • Black 3 Radio Fin Attachement Front.jpg
    91.9 KB · Views: 443
  • Black 3 Engine Hardware.jpg
    146.7 KB · Views: 435

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