FW-190A-1/2 Tactical markings

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Rick R.

Feb 5, 2005
Hi all,
I am hoping someone can help me with a project that I just started. I am looking for photographs of the fuselage sides of a FW-190A-1/2 of JG 26. The only photos that I am aware of only show the front/nose of this aircraft with the "face" markings. I have seen profiles and models with the tactical makings as brown '7' but no photos showing these markings. Any help would be very much appreciated

The posted above "sharky" Fw 190A-1 was of JG1 but not of the JG26, as memo serves.

Here is Brown 13 -Gerhard Vogt's Fw 190A-1 of the JG26, France, May 1942.

The Fw 190A-2 W.Nr. 0202, the Geschwader Stab of the JG 26 ... France 1942.

And another one .. FW 190 A-2 of the Stab/JG26, St. Omer, Spring 1942.

And another one ...

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And a bonus from the Internet ..... Horst Sternberg's A-1 Black 13 of the 5./JG26

and FW 190 A-1 Brown 4 W.Nr 074 of the II./ JG 26 May 1942.

The one Geo posted is different. Note the teeth and eyes.

Well, by golly, so it is. And now there were two. Found a photo on another site that said the aircraft in post one was, "one of ll/JG26s war weary A-1s used to train pilots of JG1 on temporary detachment to Abbeyville/Drucat in March '42. There is also a photo of a third shark mouth in JG1. The site also claims the photo I posted is an A-3. Don't know my Fw versions very well. Here is the discussion...Print Page - FW-190A-3 5/JG1. Shark Mouth.

It is quite difficult to state it was the A-3 variant or not. It is rather sure it wasn't the A-1 version as the Wurger didn't have the MGs mounted at the wing roots. The pic posted in #4 shows them clearly. However the A-2 sub-type had them attached too. Here is a scanned pic I found via the net with the source mentioned. It was the book in German and the caption is of the language. But there is an English, short one printed on the left margin.

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Here are some FW 190 A-1s from Jagdgeschwader 26 which I have seen photographs of. However, none of these wear the markings seen in your photograph (which, by the way, features an FW 190 A-1).

Code , Unit , Photograph Source/s

'Black < + ' , Stab J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.41; Kagero Vol. I, p.39; Dressel Griehl, Fighters of the Luftwaffe, p.65; WAIF 355, Sheet 03, colour profile; Die Großen Luftschlachten des Zweiten Weltkriegs, colour artwork
'Black <- + -' , Stab J.G. 26 , eBay photo
'Black << + -' , Stab II./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.39
'White 8 + -' , 4./J.G. 26 , Frappe Lorant, pp.44, 45
'White 11 + -' , 4./J.G. 26 , Flugzeug Archiv Band 7, p.39
'White 14 + -' , 4./J.G. 26 , Caldwell, Vol. I, p.255
'White 16 + -' , 4./J.G. 26 , eBbay photos
'Black 4 + -' , 5./J.G. 26 , eBay photos
'Black 5 + -' , 5./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.51; Barbas, Planes of the Lw Fighter Aces Vol. 1, p.88
'Black 10 + -' , 5./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.42; Barbas, Planes of the Lw Fighter Aces Vol. 1, p.88; Frappe Lorant, p.46
'Black 11 + -' , 5./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.51; eBbay photos
'Black 13 + -' , 5./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, pp.44-45; Caldwell, Vol. I, p.192; Caldwell, Photo History, pp.58, 59; Frappe Lorant, p.44; Holding the West, p.12; Smith Creek, FW 190, pp.86-89
'Brown 1 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.50; Filley, pp.10, 11; Frappe Lorant, p.49; Caldwell, Photo History, pp.57, 58; Ries/Obermaier, Rudder Markings, p.130
'Brown 2 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photos
'Brown 3 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.35; Caldwell, Photo History, p.60
'Brown 4 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, p.49; Holding the West, p.11; Smith Creek, p.110
'Brown 5 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photos
'Brown 6 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , Caldwell, Vol. I, p.181; eBay photos
'Brown 9 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photo
'Brown 11 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photos
'Brown 12 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photos
'Brown 13 + -' , 6./J.G. 26, Rodeike, pp.46, 47, 53; Jessen, Butcher Bird, p.21; Filley, pp.9, 11; Holding the West, p.18; Caldwell, Photo History, p.57
'Brown 13 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , Caldwell, Vol. I, p.218; Rodeike, p.53; Holding the West, p.18; Smith Creek, p.104
'Brown 14 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photo
'Brown 15 + -' , 6./J.G. 26 , eBay photos
'Black 2 + I' , 8./J.G. 26 , Caldwell, Photo History, p.85
'Black 12 + I' , 8./J.G. 26 , Rodeike, pp.54, 84; eBay photo
'Yellow 11 + I' , 9./J.G. 26 , eBay photos

Andrew A.
Good stuff Andrew.

the 190 in Wojteks post #8 and #4 is either an A-2 or A-3 they are difficult to distinguish between the 2 versions, and the A-1 did not have the cooling gills either.
Oops! My bad. My memory is not what it use to be. Sorry for posting less than accurate info.
If your info about the "Brown7" is correct and believing the caption of the pic below it was the A-2 kite of the JG26. The image source: the net....

in post #2 there's an image showing a C3 fuel triangle with 100 below it -> that's an A-3 with BMW 801D-2 not an earlier one with 801C
The Fw 190A of the Stab./JG26 with the S letter is also mentioned as the A-2 by David Wadman and Martin Pegg in their book , the Luftwaffe Colours, vol IV Section 1, page 19.

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