Fw 190D-13 Startup

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Jul 28, 2003
Chino, California, U.S.A.
Somebody over on WIX posted this startup of the Champlin Fw 190D-13 in Mesa, Arizona in 1990. Thought you might like to see it here. I was there and remember it clearly. The sound is different from US or British fighters, but they didnl;t rev up the Fw 190 as only the idle circuit in the carb was working. If I am not mistaken, they lost the high-speed portion of the induction.

The Flying Heritage Collection, where this plane resides now, could tell us.

From what I understand, the Bf 109 and Fw 190 took turns not wanting to start. Every other time the other one would balk.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf7nyTdwsHU
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