FW-190D9 Me-109K4 on the East.

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Mar 13, 2008
Whether and were used FW-190D9 on the Soviet-german front? I yet have not found that on their application in the East. Whether they were used there? If were used that when and where. And what parts. I know, that the Red Army has grasped a factory on their manufacture and serviceable FW-190D9 carried service in aircraft Redbanner of the Baltic Fleet (Краснознаменный Балтийский Флот).
The same a question and on Ме-109К4.
Definietely, both types were used by a lot of units, and many of those operated in the East in 1945.

Elements of JG 3, JG 11, JG 52, JG 53, JG 51, JG 77 had 109Ks and operated in the Eastern Front. Because they almost always operated a mix of G-14, G-14/AS, G-10 and K-4, its difficult to tell the precise number at the moment.

As for D-9, I recall seeing a German newsreel in 1945 showing them operating in Prussia, or so the commentary said.

Whether and it were known what parts are armed D9?
I do not have the bookw ith me right now, but there is a picture in it that is of a D-9 captured by the Soviets and in Soviet markings. I believe the Soviet Navy actually had a full squadron of them and operated the Doras operationally for a brief time.

Yes about use D9 in the Soviet Air Forces I know it. And about use D9 in the East? I have some books on Д9 and Ta-152. So there in general is not present that about use D9 in the East. Only in the West.

Dora 9's used in the ground attack role against Soviet positions non other than ................ JG 301
I.e. they did not conduct air fights but only stormed?
Hello Mitya
190D-9s participitated also air-combats in East. I don't have now time to dig out the exact info but Erich can surely give you some details.

Mitya JG 301 was on the eastern front due to where it was located, and yes they did perform missions, it is all for my future book. as they were close to Soviet lines they also had to perform functions of engaging US fighters and bombers as well........ will say the LW unit did not stay long in attacking Soviet offensive positions and neither did JG 300 either
Thank you.
It that... Thank for the answer.
By the way, whether instead of know participated Д9 in fights at lake Balaton in the spring 1945?

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