Fw190A6 Sturmjager of Sturmstaffel1

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I'm waiting for the next installment. Come on sun... shine in Pila ! Or did
you guys know he only works by sunlight ??

Thank you all guys for these nice words.Some jokes here made me very sunny.So I can continue my working even though the Sun is not shinning.:lol:

Evan , no problem Mate.I have started the thread and uploaded pics for this purpose as well.
Hi to all,

Today I started corrections to the horizintal stabilizers and elevators.A few pics of the progress below.The main mistakes that have to be corrected : both parts are oversized, too thick in head-on view, incorrect partition into the stabilizer and elevator ( the stabilizers are slightly too narrow,the elevators are too wide), the laeding edges of stabilizers aren't of a proper angle.

1. Comparing to drawings.
2. I have marked with a pencil the kit part ( red arrows in the pic) to show how these are oversized.
3. The first step was to cut off the elevator in order to get horizontal stabilizer separated.
4. The black line is indicating where some of plastic has to be removed to achieve the correct partition.
5. Done.


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THX Terry.Most apprecite.:D

Here an elevator and an attempt to fit it.These red marked parts have to be removed.But the trim tab and the elevator tip will be corrected at the end.


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Great stuff my friend! Could you tell me which programme you use to insert the coloured markings, arrows etc? It's so long since I did it, I've forgotten which software system I used on my PC!!
With everyone else - great work again my friend!
I'm interested to see how you'll overcome the stabilizer form problem - (cut off the tip, cut the main stabilizer in half, reposition the leading edge, fill in the gap and sand?)
Hi guys,

Thanks for kind words here.:D Really appreciated !!!
As Evan asked a few questions I must to tell you that there are two ways of correcting such elements.The first one is that I decided to use here.The stabilizer was slightly rotated left to get the proper angle of the leading edge.Having the part set apart I added some plastic to the trailing edge of the tail-plane to get the one going horizontally. I used for that a piece of the kit mould frame.It was glued with the Superglue to get stronger joint.What is more I didn't have to use a putty.Then I was sanding the part in order to get the correct shape.Then I checked the almost ready part with drawings if all was OK.In the last pic you can see the finished one ( on right ) comparing to the one ( on left ) without corrections.

In addition, the elevator had to be fitted by sanding of both the laeding and trailing edges in order to achieve its correct width.A small piece of plastic ( black colour in a pic) had to be added to front part of it.

BTW I use Photoshop for adding of graphic effects.


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