Fw190A6 Sturmjager of Sturmstaffel1

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THX gents. Appreciate !!!

What is this white plastic you use? I'd like to get some,although it'l be quite sometime before I attempt to use it like you do mate!

Daniel, the white plastic is offered as sheets of different thickness.But also you can use the material from many plastic boxes.The only main thing is to check if it can be glued with a glue for polystyrene.
THX for all.
Today not much made to the Fw190.I was working on the cockpit area and on the rudder fitting to the fuselage.A few pics below.Also I have had the tail surfaces finished.There has been a lack of trim tabs yet but these can be added at the end.The green thread is a nice tool for cleaning very narrow gaps.


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Thanks gents.......Today I made the same things to the left half of the fuselage.Waiting for the glue hardening now.

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