G.B.#16 end date

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IIRC, we agreed some time ago that builds with a stated month end date that falls during the week would extend to the first Sunday of the following month. I therefore vote that we officially end GB 16 on Sunday March 3 local time. Other judges should confirm.
I don't think Vic saw this thread started, he made a post stating the end date that reflects the decision made regarding extending to the following Sunday. To quote.... and probably directed to meownself!!!

GB 16 Finishing Date

Just a reminder folks that GB 16 finishes at midnight on Sunday, 3rd March 2013.

From where I'm sitting it's just 10 says to go. So chop, chop boys!
I hope to finish at least 1 model, works been horrible the past couple days but I was wondering the same question Thanks Paul for asking
Didn't see that either Bill so thanks for clearing that up.

Paul, not sure the rules need to be changed for this. I believer that Vic applied this already when he posted the dates in his GB's 2013 and onward thread.
It was kinda put to the members a while back about moving the date to the Sunday following the end of the month finishing in the week.

Makes sense, gives everyone a couple full days to rush to the end of the build. I sure wish this one ended on a Monday so I would have 7!

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