G.I performance May 1940

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Sep 19, 2006
A lot of people on this Forum asked me about the actions of the dutch G.I's during the German invasion May 1940. Therefore I translated a list from the dutch site Hummel
I'm not sure how accurate this is, but it gives a insight. Keep in mind that the German attack began on May 10th 1940 at 3.55h precisely by attacking Dutch airfields from the air. At Bergen they succeeded brilliantly, allowing only 1 of the 13 G.I's to take off. The rest was seriously damaged, only 7 being repaired later to fly again. The G.I's were divided between 2 squadrons, 3 Java and 4 Java.

3 JaVa, based on Waalhave near Rotterdam:
Notice no. 309, 334 and 335 have the same text. 2 of them were damaged during the german bombing, 1 flew without tailgunner and crashed in the Rotterdam harbour. Duth navy attempted to locate the wreck in 2002 without success.

302 Took of at 3.51h, schot down 2 He-111s and damaged anothe one; landed on Waalhaven with a damaged engine, couldn't start again.
309 Unsure, damaged beyond repair on the ground or shot down near Vlaarding while flying without tailgunner, pilot died.
311 Started at 3.53h, shot down a Ju-52 neer and 2 german fighters crashlanded on the beach near Oostvoorne; destroyed on may the 12th by german strafing
312 First to take off at 3.50h, Shot down 2 He-111, right engine quit and fueltank was pierced. Had to land and couldn't start again.
315 Damaged by bombs, started at 3.55h. Later transferred to 3 JaVa. Was one of the escorts for the last T.V bombing the Moerdijk bridges on may 13th. Shot down over Ridderkerk, killing the crew.
319 Unclear at this time. Was captured by germans.
328 Took off at 3.55h, shot down 2 german planes, but did an emergency landing at the beach near Oostvoorne. Shot to pieces on the ground by german planes.
329 Took off at 3.53h, shot down a Ju-87 and a Ju-52 neer, but did an emergency landing at the beach near Oostvoorne. Shot to pieces on the ground by german planes.
330 Took off at 4.00h. Shot down 2 german planes, then crashlanded near Zevenbergen. 334 Unsure, damaged beyond repair on the ground or shot down near Vlaarding while flying without tailgunner, pilot died.
335 Unsure, damaged beyond repair on the ground or shot down near Vlaarding while flying without tailgunner, pilot died.

4 JaVa based on Bergen:
301 Heavily damaged by the german suprise bombing at 3.55h 10th of may. Never saw action.
304 Heavily damaged by the german suprise bombing at 3.55h 10th of may. Never saw action.
305 Heavily damaged by the german suprise bombing at 3.55h 10th of may. Never saw action.
308 Flew to Schiphol on May 11th, reconnaissance missions on May 13th over the Grebbeberg. Was one of the escorts for the last T.V bombing the Moerdijk bridges on may 13th
310 While flying to Schiphol may 13th, undercarriage jammed, Crew bailed out and the plane crashed near Badhoevedorp.
318 Escorted 4 C.X bombers to Wageningen with G.I 321 and 5 D.XXI fighters on may 13th. Heavily damaged by German Flak.
321 The only G.I that could take off during the suprise attack in the morning of May the 10th. Shot down a Bf109 fighter, Escorted 4 C.X bombers on May 13th (see 318) Shot down 1 Bf109 during that miassion. Under carriage was heavily damaged on return.
322 Flew to Schiphol om May the 10th. Straffed german planes on the ground near Delft (on the highway). Destroyed several planes. Mission to the Grebbeberg on May 12th, lande don Soesterberg. Missions to Utrecht on May 14th.
325 Reconnaissance missions to Waalhaven en the Waterlinie (May 11th). Made an attack on Waalhaven. Flew to Schiphol in the evening. Escorted 2 C.V reconnaissance planes 2 times to Friesland. Damaged while strafing German troops near Wageningen. Scrapped after landing.
331 Destroyed during the suprise attack.
332 Tijdens Heavily damaged by the german suprise bombing at 3.55h 10th of may. Never saw action.
333 Destroyed during the suprise attack.
The Dutch Navy also fought valiantly although somewhat ineffectively in the battles around Java in 41-42. That same description could be used to describe the efforts of all the Allies at that time.

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