GB 21 Ends Sunday June 1

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For as much as I have done.................... a week?
Generous, but not adequate. Boo. That makes two in a row I failed at.
And both are Davidsons!
Caught up in all my other stuff.
GB22 will be a go tho! I will get that one finished.
Don't think we can do that Dave. 1 week on the outside is the most we usually grant.

A week? Okay Will have to tell the wife she has to be a modeling widow for the next week. Unfortunately I don't know if I can finish it even with a week in hand. I will give it the old college try though.

Note to self....never join a GB when your in the midst of doing a Start to finish build at the same time.

Hey if anyone else wants an extension beyond a week feel free to chime in.
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