GB 33 Split Theme Proposal

Chose your preferred GB 33 secondary theme from the list below

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Changed my vote, cheers Andy.

1. Cory's Corsairs (My Corsair subjects were all land based, and I don't believe a post-war bird would fit the WW2 over water subject)
2. Other Nations (RNZAF Corsair...)
3. WW2 over water

Plan to try an Avro 504K 'Zeppelin Killer' for the WW I build too.
What exactly is WW2 over Water? Does the entire Pacific Theater qualify? Thinking about Japanese Army Aircraft i.e. Hien, Raiden, Shoki, etc.
What exactly is WW2 over Water? Does the entire Pacific Theater qualify? Thinking about Japanese Army Aircraft i.e. Hien, Raiden, Shoki, etc.

John, I think over the Chanel is also an option
My only 2 votes are:
1- Aces aircraft
2- Spanish Civil War

But Cory'corsairs and WW2 over Water are others options I like...
What exactly is WW2 over Water? Does the entire Pacific Theater qualify? Thinking about Japanese Army Aircraft i.e. Hien, Raiden, Shoki, etc.

Here's the original idea verbatim: "WW2 Over Water - another one for carrier based, long range patrol, or amphibious aircraft but could also be land-based ship busters"

The intent was that the theme address aircraft of a nautical nature. Carrier based aircraft (yes even Doolittle's B-25's), amphibians, or float planes clearly qualify as would those associated with locating or destroying ships from land bases. This would include FAA planes, Coastal Command planes, and others such as the FW200 whose roles have, to a large extent, been noted for anti-shipping activties.

Just because some of the BoB happened over the channel doesn't mean that we should start including the typical Spitfires, 109's, and Heinkels. Same for the Pacific. B-29's and those Japanese aircraft used to intercept them would not meet the spirit of the build.
Agree with that 'WW2 Over Water' subject description Andy.

Counts out almost all RNZAF PTO types unfortunately, being land based and operating against air and ground targets. Ships were targets of opportunity only (as far as I'm aware).

Considering options as it looks like this will be the winning subject.
Good description Andy, John, as much as I like where you are going and the subjects...the Japanese Army aircraft are land based fighters and really don't make the grade even though some of their activities may have occurred over water....

There must be some Kiwi pilots flying off the RN carriers Evan
Got it Andy! That makes total sense but I wanted to verify. If WW2 Over Water comes out on top as the alternate topic for GB33, I'm thinking about a Kate or Val or maybe even a Corsair.

Just curious... how many of you are going to do a WWI aircraft for GB33? Part of me is interested but that part gets squashed by the fear of all that wire rigging.
There's another option here as well. Going back to Glenn's idea, maybe we could stretch the WW2 Over Water theme to pick up any and all Corsairs in memory of Cory. That would incorporate the second most popular vote so far and bring in post war Corsairs as well as RNZAF ones. A few of us already said we'd be fine with that.
I'm good with that idea Andy. If we combine WW2 over Water + Corsairs as the alternate for GB33, we can utilize the next top vote getters, i.e. RAF as the alternate for GB34 and Aces for GB35, if necessary.
PBY or Corsair........I am thinking PBY as there will be other Corsairs.


ps. If I somehow manage to finish the PBY in lots of time them I may tackle the Corsair I have in the pile of pending plastic.

Nothing for the GB33 build but I do have a Stearman to do as a trainer. Depending on what you want to build, I've heard the Windsock Datafile books have great rigging guides. I'm debating whether to buy turnbuckles or make my own by twisting fine wire to make the loop and then superglue them in place

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