GB-37 1/48th Spitfire M k1a - Helicopters / Military aircraft of BoB 1940 (1 Viewer)

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Bit of a short delay finishing the Heinkel, so I'm cracking on with this.
Regarding the different lengths of the gun heating outlet ducts, it might be that the port one is longer in order to be clear of the pitot tube, to prevent (possibly turbulent) warm air entering the pitot head, but that's just a guess. I'll try to find out more at DX.

A little more progress correcting some omissions in the kit, as shown below.

PICS 1 and 2. Although engine start was normally done with the help of a 'trolley Ac', there was also a hand-crank, which slotted into a hole on the starboard cowling. This had a small brass plate beneath it, with an inscription warning ground crew to rope themselves to the undercart leg before cranking.
The hole has been drilled, and the 'brass' plate will be added after painting the model.
Also seen here is the small hole drilled beneath the port side rear glazing, which was the external oxygen re-filling nozzle.
PICS 3 and 4. As mentioned earlier, the kit does not provide parts for the head and seat armour, so these had to be scratch-built using thin plastic card. First job was to remove the locating tab for the head rest. The armour plate was then cut from plastic card, and cemented in place, with a slot in the head armour for the harness shoulder straps. The seat armour is not totally accurate in shape, but as most of it will be hidden by the seat, and the canopy will be closed, it's passable enough.
PICS 5 and 6. Once the parts had set, the lightening holes in the frame were drilled out, and the kit parts for the head rest and voltage regulator fitted, and the frame cemented onto the 'floor' section.
PIC 7. Being an early Mk1, the seat would have been the metal type, with the flare rack on the front edge. The kit part has had the edges thinned down, the slot cut into the starboard side, and the bulge for the parachute harness waist strap added. The flare rack was added to the front, using a length of plastic channel. This has had holes countersunk along the top, which will be painted to represent the bases of the flare cartridges, but these can't be seen in this pic.

Next step is to make the early radio remote control for the port side of the cockpit, and the hand pump for the undercart on the starboard side, then start the internal painting before adding a little more detail and the remaining kit parts etc.
Back soon ................

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Thanks very much chaps.
I was thinking exactly that as I was adding the flare rack Andy !

A little more scratch detail added, explained in the pics below.

PIC 1.
The kit part for the undercarriage control was adapted to form the quadrant for the earlier hand-pump system, by removing some of the detail, and turning the part to the left and fitting it to the cockpit wall in a slightly lower position than the later version. A square of thin plastic card was then cemented onto the face of the original housing, and the hand-pump lever added from stretched sprue, with the end melted to a rough blob, which has yet to have PVA added to form the knob. Note that the lever started to break due to handling, and is awaiting repair with a spot of CA (when I get some more tomorrow !) and re-positioning at the correct angle.
Above and to the right of the hand-pump assembly is a sliver of plastic rod, representing the signal lamp control switches / morse key housing. Above that, the IFF remote contactor has been filed down, and a disc of plastic card cemented in place, to represent the height and airspeed calculator disc, which will be painted accordingly, along with its retaining flap. Just to the right is the harness release catch, made from stretched sprue.
PIC 2. Immediately in front of the entry hatch is the camera control, made from plastic tube and rod, and above and to the right is the early radio remote control. The kit provides a part for the later, push-button channel control, used with the VHF radios introduced from September 1940 (which is wrongly positioned in the kit instructions), but this aircraft still had the TR9 HF radio (and the earlier 'pole' type of antenna mast).
The kit part for the throttle quadrant has yet to be fitted, which will be done after basic painting of the cockpit area.

I have yet to decide whether or not to add the various wires etc, as most won't be seen through the closed canopy - painted 'wires' may suffice for those which will be visible.
There are some more kit parts to add to the cockpit assembly, as well as a couple of other scratch-built items, which I hope to get done in the next day or two.
Thanks to all for the interest in this build so far, and I'll be back, probably some time tomorrow (Tuesday) with another up-date.

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Thanks Andy and Hugh.

Before completing the few final small bits on the Heinkel, I've decided to get this one to the point where the fuselage halves can be joined, and have continued with the cockpit, adding a few small details, and doing the basic painting.

PICS 1 and 2. The direct supply oxygen bottle for the starboard side is not supplied in the kit, so this was made by cutting down and re-shaping the head of a 60lb RP from the old Airfix Mosquito kit..
PIC 3. The oxygen bottle painted, and the hose to the pilot's oxygen mask connection added, spaced to allow the seat frame bulkhead to fit. Note that at this period, the later, 'corrugated' type of flexible oxygen hose had not been introduced, the supply being via a fabric-braded hose of smaller diameter, coloured black with a yellow weave,
The cable from the harness release catch has also been added, the undercart hand-pump corrected and painted, with the cockpit and rear fuselage also painted.
PIC 4. Main oxygen supply bottles and throttle quadrant fitted to the port side, and the painting done.

This is all a bit basic and 'rough and ready', but more than adequate for the view through the closed canopy.
Meanwhile, work continues on the seat, main floor and bulkhead assembly, and the instrument panel etc., and I should hav some more pics probably tomorrow.

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Thanks chaps.
As mentioned, it's a bit rough in parts, lacking finesse, but looks OK to the naked eye, and certainly acceptable under a closed canopy.
I hope to get the instrument panel finished tonight, and possibly get the cockpit completed and the fuselage joined.
Back when there's something to show.
Thanks Michael.
Cockpit complete, installed, and fuselage joined and seams sanded but not yet polished.

PIC 1. Seat and control column fitted, with harness belts from painted decal tissue (good enough for a closed canopy), and rudder pedals altered to the early, single-step pattern. The radiator shutter lever has also been added, from stretched sprue.
PIC 2. Instrument panel painted and fitted. The two lengths of finely stretched sprue are the shoulder harness anchor wires, which attach in the mid, rear fuselage.
PIC 3. A forward bulkhead has been made from plastic card, and fitted, roughly painted silver, to prevent 'see through' below the instrument panel.
PICS 4 and 5. Cockpit assembly installed.
PIC 6. Fuselage joined and the seams sanded, awaiting polishing.
PICS 7 and 8. Views into the cockpit.

Next step is to remove the reflector glass from the gun sight, and replace it with the earlier, circular screen, made from punched clear sheet, then paint and fit the sight, followed by the windscreen and canopy sections. Once that's done, and the canopy joints sealed,and the parts masked, the wing can be assembled and fitted.

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