GB-44 1/48 EE Lightning T-4 - Military A/C of post-war time

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Wow look at that moulded detail....................................................................
Glad you beat it into submission Karl.
Just got out-bid for one - beat by a measly 50 Pence !
Thanks guys.

Terry, its a simple kit but in mine none of the location tabs fit into their collective slots.
The wings mating surface near the leading edge didnt have the same profile as the corresponding fuselage surface so i had to re shape them slightly.

Sword dont seem to have taken into account the way the forward fuselage bulges for the two seat cockpit ?
Thanks guys.

Terry, its a simple kit but in mine none of the location tabs fit into their collective slots.
The wings mating surface near the leading edge didnt have the same profile as the corresponding fuselage surface so i had to re shape them slightly.

Sword dont seem to have taken into account the way the forward fuselage bulges for the two seat cockpit ?
That's what I was pointing out earlier Karl they make some of the off the beaten path subjects but by far they are no shake and bake! :) Kevin
Thanks Gents.

Andy, its a bit rough in places but i think once the other colours are on and decals applied it should look acceptable for my standards.

I tried and just couldn't get away with using an airbrush, just too much work and frustration for me.
Yep, looking good.
I remember seeing these birds at Middleton St. George, just about the time it was getting ready to open as a civilian airport, but with the RAF still using the main part of the airfield.

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