Are you talking '86 for USN or Canadian Hornets? Isn't NADEP short for Naval
Air Depot and SDLM Standard Level Depot Maintenance? I thought U.S.N. Hornets
started receiving in early 80s. Blue Angels '82 or '83?- John
Thanks, I have the search light polished up to 12000 grit. I am not sure if it shows
but there is a metalic sheen behind the search light. That's where the lead nose
weight is, nice shiney new lead weight. I also have the filled areas on the fuselage
sanded, a few pin holes need attention then on to the wings.- John
Taking a break from putty-sand routine. I started scratch building the brackets for
the horizontal tails. I need to slim them and taper them a bit more. Here is the basic
idea. I have a ways to go with these, .020 card stock. Off to paint the Starfighters'
wings later today also.- John
Thanks, I added more putty to the previous areas and nose then sanded. I can now paint the rear deck and
anti glare area above the instrument panel flat black then add the pilot and canopy.- John