GB-47 1/48 Focke Wulf TA-152 H-1 - WW2 D-Day and After – Western Front

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Nice, cannot fault the detail and effort though that ZM go to, a whole new level, I do find it a tad annoying that there are a number of parts that get hidden away, my ki-45, a perfect example....
Ok, now that the distraction of the incorrect gear on the 410 is behind me, onwards on the 152. Just one update so far. Seat is painted, beat up a bit, and lap belts installed. Obviously, the shoulder belts will come after the cockpit is installed and the fuse sides joined together.
Working on the cockpit now. As much as I wanted to use decals on the cockpit, trying the first one on a side console was just not working. I could just not get that decal to sit down. So, off it came and I picked things out with a very fine paint brush. That picture will be posted once I finish the other console.

Ok, 2 issues with the 152. Stock IP dial rims are way too thick. I looked at chamfering the dials with drill bits, but that made for far too much of a concave surface where the dial would need to sit flush. So, I have the ZM PE on order. 2nd issue is I glued the oil pan on backwards. I have a call in to ZM's US folks to see if I can order just that sprue. So, the 152 is on hold. I am now considering either Eduard's Tempy or the Lysander. I will decide over the next day or two. I will post a thread with my decision.
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Yay, the new sprue is in hand and I am back to work on the 152. I am still waiting for the PE instrument stuff, but at least I can get back to work on something. I am still very impressed with this ZM kit. I will update with a picture or two tomorrow on the progress of the engine. And, yes, I did make a comment about the sprue over in the Tempy thread. My bad.

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