GB-50 1/48 P-47D-27-RE - Zombie Build

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It all stims from my HS Evolution air brush. I've had problems with it since I got it. Too much pressure and spitting paint. I was talking to Dale about it today and I called my supplier and spoke to them. Seems I had never taken the shipping cap of!!

The cylender is the head with shipping cap on. I didn't know it was the shipping cap. took a couple sets of plyers to separate.

Causes quite a mess.

With the correct head on. Now we can try this $300 airbrush (well $308 but let's not quibble)
Okay, so I figure most all of you here know how to do this and most would prefer not to but here it is for those who may not know.

If you have a really screwed up paint or say you bought a kit that came chrome plated and you want to strip it. go to you local store and find the cheapest brake fluid you can find. Get a tube and place the kit or parts in and pour on the brake fluid. Let set a few hours and use a tooth brush to scrub it off. I left this in a few days and the wings came off so don't leave it too long normally 1 day or less (four hours should do most)

take the kit or parts and give a good soaking.

properly dispose of the fluid!

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