GB 57 question

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
Yeah I know we just are starting GB 56 but for further clarification, Polish, Czech etc... Eagle Squadron flying for the RAF are included in this build....
February 1 to June 4, 2023 GB 57 "WW2 Foreign Service"

This Group Build will be for any aircraft built in one country and used by another. Examples include American Spitfires, RAF Mustangs, etc. Aircraft built under license in another country and used by the home country are not considered meeting the spirit of this GB (e.g. Canadian built Lancasters or Mosquitoes in the RAF). This GB will include aircraft carrying the markings of a capturing country provided that the capture actually occurred. No "What-ifs" will be allowed. Also, for the purposes of this GB, independent Air Forces serving under the overarching command of another country (e.g. RCAF , SAAF under RAF command) will be allowed in this GB.
Much searching, and finding nothing that is available, I thought I would have to sit out GB57? Then I looked closer in my own stash and found an Eduard's kit that revolves around the end of the war, 1945. A Bf 109G-10 WNF/Diana, kit 82161. The markings are for those surrendered or used by other than German Luftwaffe pilots. In this case ROA (Russian Liberation Army). Reading the previous responses, this to me, is a gray area? Would any of these be accepted? If not...well I guess I'll keep looking.

GB57 BF 109 G-10 ROA B.JPG
GB57 BF 109 G-10 ROA C.JPG
GB57 BF 109 G-10 ROA D.JPG
Trying to read the inscription on the first option Ralph, it looks like they mention March 1945 which just fits in for WWII in Europe which ended in early May. So I agree with George, it's a goer. :D
Well, I decided to not be so dammed lazy and do some more digging. I focused on Eduard models (kind of favored) and found these two. I'll post full size so that the text can be read. Sorry for that last post.

Leaning towards Finnish, even though I have to buy another kit. But I guess on the plus side, I will have extra tiny parts, just in case.

Eduard 84169 Finland.JPG
Eduard 84174 Italian.JPG
Temptation, did the same myself a week or so back with a Mosquito in 1/32, going to love building it but where to put it when finished. That's a problem down the track some. :D
Good question, is this limited to WWII years or WWII aircraft used by foreign military forces anytime? IE P-51's used by South American countries into the 60's? A-26's used in SEA etc….
Good question, is this limited to WWII years or WWII aircraft used by foreign military forces anytime? IE P-51's used by South American countries into the 60's? A-26's used in SEA etc….
The way I read it...there are no qualifications for dates other than "WWII Foreign Service". I guess that may limit the dates; 1939-1945? Who ever created the entry must work for (or had worked for) the US government!

February 1 to June 4, 2023 GB 57 "WW2 Foreign Service"
This Group Build will be for any aircraft built in one country and used by another. Examples include American Spitfires, RAF Mustangs, etc. Aircraft built under license in another country and used by the home country are not considered meeting the spirit of this GB (e.g. Canadian built Lancasters or Mosquitoes in the RAF). This GB will include aircraft carrying the markings of a capturing country provided that the capture actually occurred. No "What-ifs" will be allowed. Also, for the purposes of this GB, independent Air Forces serving under the overarching command of another country (e.g. RCAF , SAAF under RAF command) will be allowed in this GB.
Steph - Which kit(s) is this? I'm going with an Eduard weekender (84169), the Finnish option as well. See post #7, above. Not sure if I can do two!!

Ralph, the kits will be the "old" Hasegawa JT47 and JT48. These builds will be simple apart maybe for the paint scheme of the fuselage of the Bulgarian one 🤔

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